SWAP #1 Vegetable oil for olive or avocado oil:
Processed vegetable oils like canola, palm, safflower or sunflower oils are commonly bleached and processed with chemicals, causing increased inflammation in the body along with other health issues. So many meal or baking recipes I see these days from touted “healthy” cook books and websites still call for vegetable oils. Lucky for you oils are an easy swap!
There are many nutritious oils you can use and at a variety of temperatures to meet all your cooking needs Ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, hemp oil, flax oil, avocado oil, sesame oil are all good options. In my house we usually use avocado oil for cooking because of its high smoke point and neutral flavor. When I’m baking I usually use extra virgin coconut oil.
SWAP #2 Margarine for ghee or grass fed butter:
Margarine can contain trans fats and vegetable oils- both no no’s. If you read a margarine label the ingredient list is a lot scarier than butter! Please toss the “I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter” and swap it for a good quality grass fed butter or ghee! Ghee is all natural, contains cancer fighting CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), has anti-inflammatory properties, is high in healthy monounsaturated omega-3 fat, and a good alternative for people with dairy allergy.
SWAP #3 All purpose baking flour for almond flour:
Almond flour is naturally gluten-free. Almond flour is a good source of plant protein, magnesium, omega-3 unsaturated fats, and the antioxidant vitamin E. Coconut flour and oat flour are other good alternatives to use when baking as well.
SWAP #4 White bread for sprouted bread:
Sprouting partially breaks down the starch in the grains, which lowers the carb (and calories) content of the bread. Sprouted bread is lower in carbs and higher fiber. Sprouted grain bread has the lowest glycemic index compared other whole grains breads, sourdough, or white bread. Sprouted bread is also higher in protein and other nutrients like vitamin C and B vitamins and maybe be easier to digest for some people. I personally love Ezekiel bread.
SWAP # 5 Fruit flavored yogurt for full-fat greek yogurt:
I cringe when I see people buy “fruit at the bottom” yogurt…sorry! It’s just loaded with sugar. Also choosing the low-fat or fat-free yogurt options is not ideal because they are usually higher in sugar (fat was removed so something needs to go in it’s place) and you need the naturally occurring fat in dairy to absorb fat soluble vitamins. Opt for plain full fat greek yogurt which is very high in protein and low in sugar. The fat and protein will help you feel fuller longer and tastes better too IMO. Add you own toppings.
SWAP #6 Dried fruit or juice for fresh fruit:
Juice and dried fruit lack fiber, are higher in sugar, and are way easier to over consume than fresh fruit. Fresh fruit is full of water, lower in sugar, and higher in fiber. It’s hard to overeat fresh fruit 😉
SWAP #7 Commercial salad dressing for an avocado or olive oil based dressing:
When looking for a salad dressings skip anything with vegetable oils, watch the added sugar, and do not stress about fat content (no fat free please!). My top picks for salad dressing are Primal Kitchen, Bragg, and Tessemae’s. Trader Joe’s also has some dressings with on point ingredients (Green Goddess, Carrot Ginger Miso, and Almond Butter Turmeric…all found in the fridge section).
SWAP #8 Splenda with Stevia:
Splenda has shown in studies to alter metabolism and disrupt the gut micobiome. No thanks! So far stevia has not shown any harmful studies when used in moderation. With all sweeteners, use in moderation and the taste of sweet (whether with or without calories) will have you craving more sweet!
SWAP #9 Conventional nut butter for single ingredient natural nut butter:
So many nut butters have added vegetable oils and sugar. Read the ingredient list, even on brands that promote themselves as “healthy”, because even I’ve been surprised what I’ve seen added to the ingredients of some of my fave nut butter. You really only need nuts and maybe some sea salt in the ingredients to make a good nut butter.
SWAP#10 Conventional mayo for avocado oil mayo:
The main ingredient in store bought mayo is either canola oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil, or a combination of these. Even if the label says olive oil based it might still sneak in vegetable oils, so read the ingredient list! Please toss the Miracle Whip and swap it for an avocado or pure olive oil based mayo. I’m a big fan of Primal Kitchen and Chosen Foods mayo right now.

Happy swapping!
xx, A
This is great! Love the swap suggestions you offer – especially the fruit flavored yogurt for full-fat greek yogurt. Great way to drop the sugar and up the protein!
Oh I’m so glad you found this post helpful!! Full fat greek yogurt FTW!