It’s the day before the day. Thanksgiving week is upon us and whether you’re staying home, hosting, or traveling you’re likely going to be enjoying all the food tomorrow. A few weeks ago I wrote up my thoughts and tips for holiday eating, so check that out if you haven’t yet. But what if even with all the best intentions the day got away from you and you over did it. No biggie…I’m sharing 8 ways to bounce back the day after Thanksgiving.
- Don’t beat yourself up Getting down on yourself about overindulging will likely bring up feelings of guilt or shame which will either keep you in an overeating/binge state with food or lead to compensation by restricting the next day which may also result in binge eating. Let it go and move on the next day!
- Eat breakfast Like I mentioned above you may have the urge to restrict the next day, so start your day off right with a nutritious breakfast. A green smoothie might be the perfect cure to Thanksgiving food hangover 😉
- Don’t compensate Get right back on track with normal meals and snacks the next day. Don’t get into a disordered eating pattern to make up for something that happened the day before. It is OK to focus on having more nutritious meals and snacks the next day, but be sure you’re not skipping meals or getting in adequate nutrition.
- “Healthify” leftovers We love making a veggie heavy turkey soup the day after Thanksgiving with leftover turkey. You could also add the turkey to a salad or make a stir fry with leftover vegetables and turkey.
- Move Somehow Thanksgiving week turns into a 4+ day couch fest that consists of food and football and not much else. This time of year is definitely a time to relax, recharge, and spend time with family. See if you can get the family motivated for a hike or a walk during the day.
- Toss the crap! If you hosted Thanksgiving and people brought over stuff…toss what you don’t care about. Don’t feel obligated to keep food/snacks you don’t like, but continue to pick at.
- Drink tons of water aim for 80-100oz water. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
- Get a good night’s sleep if you not getting adequate sleep your cravings and food choices will suffer. Get a good night’s sleep and reset for the weekend.
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
xx, A