How Far Along: Well I guess the title of this post gives it away but 12 weeks today.. officially in the “safe” zone as they say. Due November 19th.. Jackson arrived on his due date and Cam came one day before so I’m expecting a baby on November 18th, my best friend Krista’s birthday 🙂 Jackson was born on her wedding anniversary so it only makes sense that Big 3 comes on her bday too, right?
Gender: Stay tuned for our gender reveal post TOMORROW! We found out the gender this past weekend and I wrote this next part of the post before I knew if it was a boy or girl..
Some thoughts. I have two boys so we all know the first question I get asked when I say I’m pregnant. “Are you hoping for a girl?” I have a really hard time answering this question.. of course I’d love a little girl. You people crazy?! Who wouldn’t want a mini me to take to dance class, paint their nails and plan a wedding for one day? And that’s basically how I answer it.. keep it light-hearted and say, “Of course I’d love a little girl!” But in all honesty, I’m not HOPING for a girl over a boy. Another little boy would add so much life and laughter to our already chaotic little family that I could never wish it WASN’T a boy. And Britt would get his golf foursome 😉 Leaving this in God’s hands and praying for a healthy baby – boy or girl. And if I have a boy, no we are NOT going for the fourth so don’t even ask.
Feeling: SICK AF. Not barfing, just nauseous all damn day. Like sea sick.. on a boat.. want to throw up. Whoever came up with that dumb phrase of “morning sickness” is a D. It’s ALL DAY sickness. I wasn’t sick with Jackson but sick until 16 weeks with Cam. This time around is the worst. But according to my doc, sickness gets worse with subsequent pregnancies. Good thing this is the LAST friggin time I do this (which is what I said last time… effffff). No but seriously..
Maternity Clothes: I’ve been showing since 8 weeks with this kid so YEAH, I’m wearing maternity clothes already. I just purchased this pair of Madewell maternity jeans (I mean I didn’t even know these existed before.. maybe they didn’t) and these leggings from Target. Also picked up these nursing bras (so soft and comfy) because I have to wear something during the night and these tanks for summer. I’m wearing my non-maternity Levi’s in this photo but just unbuttoned them under this Zara dress. Slides by Chinese Laundry/Kristin Cav collab.
Sleep: I can still sleep on my side, tummy and back so sleep is going well for the time being. I purchased this body pillow the second I found out I was pregnant again and it’s heaven. My husband has other thoughts.
Body Changes: This is a toughy.. I feel like I was in the best shape of my life right before I found out I was pregnant so seeing that hard work starting to change in my body has been a little bit of a mind F. I’m using this body oil every night to avoid stretch marks (which I didn’t get with Jackson but did with Cammy). And just trying to show myself some grace and know that if I can bounce back after my first two, I will do it again.. it’s just going to take that same determination and patience I gave myself two times before. But I’m not one of those girls who carries a basketball baby and you can’t tell I’m pregnant from behind.. no, I grow in every direction.. up, down and sideways lol.. but chasing after three kids should whip me back into shape.
Exercise: With Jackson, I was taking yoga up until the week I gave birth and bounced back in 6 weeks (the beauty of your first baby). With Cam, I sat at a desk all day, ate two pastries a day and did some light walking. YOLO! But it took me 9 months to get my body back. Second time around was a DOOOOOOZY. So with Big 3, I’m planning to stay active (not that I have a choice with these two rugrats I’m chasing around all day) and working out as long as I’m feeling good. So far, I’ve been consistent and stuck to my workout routine of 5x a week and switching between cardio, HIIT, barre and yoga.. just modifying because when Alix sends me burpees and jump lunges in her workout guides, I’m like “BYE FELICIA!”
Cravings: WEIRDEST ever this pregnancy. Give me all the tuna fish sandwiches (I try to only have 2-3 a week for mercury reasons), frozen grapes, SUSHI why am I craving this so bad.. I stick to imitation crab california roll, and protein style burgers. Oh, and I’ve never been one to crave an ice cream cone but DUDE… get. me. ice cream. clown! So I’m craving sweet AND salty.. so it’s either a boy or a girl LOL 😉
Symptoms: Tired, cranky B. End of story. Just steer clear and you should be good.
Mood: See above.
On my mind: This was a total surprise/shock pregnancy. After we had Cam, we were done. Complete. Happy with our two boys and ready to move on to the next phase of life. But I’d say the door was about 90% closed. I left it slightly cracked because I’m still fairly young from a child bearing perspective and I was never going to say I’m 100% done until the door was truly closed on me. But I was still shocked when two pink lines appeared on the stick. Ps, first it was just one line (not pregnant) and I walked away. When I came back a few minutes later, the faintest second pink line appeared and I about passed out. Oh, and then I had to call my husband at work who thought something was seriously wrong at home lol. Nope, just PREGNANT, dude. It took me a couple weeks to come to grips with it to be honest. The thought of three kids is overwhelming. Will we be able to travel like we wanted to? Can we still go to Hawaii.. I mean paying for 5 airplane tickets is going to bankrupt us haha. How are we going to keep up with their education, sports, activities, etc? Being a parent, you sacrifice your entire life for you kids. But with two, it seemed manageable and I could still maintain a little sense of self. I could still do things for myself, take time to workout, leave Britt with the kids for a weekend while I spent time with my girlfriends. But THREE? Am I going to be able to maintain this lifestyle I’ve worked so hard to create with THREE kids? I know it sounds selfish but to be honest, I AM STILL A LITTLE SELFISH and I’m OK with that. I’m important too. So, I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to keep up with the balance I’ve created but I’m going to try damn hard. And if I have to give up other pieces of my life to maintain that balance, I’ll do it.. because that’s what parents do. We sacrifice, we give and take, we adjust. And that’s what we’ll do when Big 3 gets here.
Looking forward to: Getting out of the first trimester and feeling human again. Now excuse me, I need to go lay down…
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for the love and support you’ve shown me over the last few days since our announcement.. it means so much. xx
So wonderful! Can’t wait to follow along 😘
Thanks Ally!!
I hope it’s a peaceful pregnancy.
You will not even remember what life was like with only 2 kids (name that movie !) 😉