Can you believe it?! A new DECADE! Excited to see where this year takes us personally and professionally. But in order to meet our goals, we always like to write them down and manifest 🙂
Professional Continuing Education
To keep up my Registered Dietitian credentials I have to get 75 continuing education credits every 5 years. My 5 years is up in May and I have a good chunk of hours left. I’ve recently shifted my work interest to gut/digestive health and female hormone health. I want to put more energy into researching these fields. I’m working on finding ways to immerse myself in these fields of nutrition. I’m hopeful to attend a major nutrition conference in 2020 and get myself back in the nutrition game. I’ve really stepped back since having Quinn and feel as she starts to be going to school more/longer days I can either restart my private practice here in Seattle or find another opportunity to practice my passion for food and nutrition. Stay tuned…
Morning Journaling
This is one intention that could easily start strong then by February be like “eff this who cares?!” BUT I really really don’t want that to happen. I bought The Daily Stoic Journal by Ryan Holiday (highly recommended by our fave The Skinny Confidential). It might not realistically happen every morning, but I can also do it at night before bed and reflect on the day.
Pantry Cleanse
With my background and nutrition philosophy I never thought I would open my pantry to see so much CRAP in it!!! I’ve started giving in and just buying whatever cracker/snack box I thought Quinn would eat (because she doesn’t eat a whole lot). Every time we went to Target she would pick a snack to have in the cart with her while I shopped and they have started to pile up at home. My husband is now late night snacking on this crap too and I’m done buying “ultra processed” snack foods that is not doing anyone any good.
With Quinn’s recent potty training regression it’s clear I need to be focusing on getting in more whole foods and high fiber snacks into her diet. So I’ve already gone through our pantry and tossed most thing that have zero nutritional value. I don’t care if she eats these foods out with friends occasionally, but I’m not going to have them be an option in the house. If she wants a snack it will be something giving her more nutrition and energy or she can save up her appetite for the next meal. Going to try so hard to stick to my guns on this one!
Get Uncomfortable
I went back and looked at our 2019 intentions and don’t feel like I followed through on my professional goals. I played it really safe last year and didn’t push myself outside of my comfort zone. I want to push myself to research, read, write, and share more on the blog. I push myself physically all the time, but for some reason I sell myself short on my abilities as a dietitian. I hate public speaking, and will often shy away from opportunities that involve me speaking to larger groups. I want to start saying yes more to these opportunities and push myself to grow.
Savor this Season
What I mean to say here is, enjoy the ride. I know this stage of life is not easy or relaxing or calm. It is messy, loud, at times frustrating, and a true test of my patience as a wife and mom. But I have friends whose kids are now 8 and 10 years old and they would give anything to have a one year old again. We are going to blink and the kids are going to be teenagers and I’ll be forcing them out of bed at 10 am on the weekends. But for now, I want to remember how tired I am. How sweet and innocent they are. How little they are in my arms. Cammy is the only one right now who lets me cuddle him. Parker is on the move, developing a very strong, independent personality, and Jackson is on the verge of blossoming into a true kid who wants to hang with his buddies. It’s a really sweet season we’re in and even though I am pushed to my limits on the daily, I know how fleeting time is and how much I will wish for this time back. Savoring. Savoring. Savoring. Three times.. for three little boys.
Invest in Staple Pieces, Not Trends
I have definitely said this one before but I think it’s important to keep my eye on the prize. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve whittled my wardrobe down to the essentials. To the capsule. See post here. I want high end stapes.. the tees, sweaters, jeans, boots, and coats that can be recycled year round.. year after year. They don’t go out of the style. This is why my wardrobe is 90% black, white, cream and grey. The occasional sweater with colorful stripes is cute and all.. but I wear it once and then it gets shoved to the back of my closet and eventually ends up in my Goodwill pile a month later. No more $30 sweaters that are just going to be tossed. Invest in the good shit.. ya know?
Business-Minded Podcasts
Me time and self-care has been a priority ever since I’ve had kids and typically, I like easy reads or entertainment podcasts that I don’t have to pay all that much attention to because it’s mindless. However, what I’ve realized is that these reads and podcasts aren’t helping me grow.. I’m listening to other people’s success stories and not developing my own plan of action. I’ve decided to start listening to a new business-minded podcast each week and starting with these three:
Lewis Howes School of Greatness
Grow Our Following
Most bloggers will say that it took them at least three years to build a loyal following and create a business out of their blog. This year, we want to continue to grow our following on all social media platforms. The Instagram algorithm does not make it easy to grow these days and the blog space is extremely saturated but we know that we have a unique voice and story to tell and by being creative this year, we can grow. Meet ups, reaching out to brands to collaborate, connecting with local bloggers and businesses are all part of the plan. We just need to get started and keep the momentum!
What are your intentions for 2020? Let’s achieve goals together!

xx, A&H