Get back in the kitchen: I honestly have not meal planned or cooked since early October. Now that I’m feeling better and the holidays are over, I’m looking forward to getting back in the kitchen. I’m so tired of take out or cereal for dinner. It’s time to dust off my favorite cookbooks and meal plan for the week. I’m sure my husband will appreciate this too 😉
Savor the season: When Quinn was born we were in the middle of selling our condo in the Bay Area, trying to buy a house in Seattle, and then packed it all up and moved when she was 4 months old. I had postpartum anxiety (I wrote about it here) and depression. I’m not sure how much of that was related to the move or having a newborn, but either way I really wished away her being little because it was too overwhelming for me many days. This time around, we are so much more settled and have a good friend network here in Seattle. I’m hopeful I can really savor the newborn stage and enjoy it this time around knowing how fast it goes by, knowing that everything is a phase and will pass, knowing I WILL sleep again, and knowing I will never have it again.
Prioritize the activities, habits, and people who make me happy: If I learned anything during COVID is that I’m really content being a homebody (I kind of already knew this, but now I really know). As I get older, I’m getting better at saying no to things that don’t truly make me happy. In 2021, I want to continue to prioritize things and people who truly make me happy, full up my cup, and leave me energized- not exhausted. I don’t want to say “yes” to things because I think I have to do it or I’ll miss out. As a mom, my free time is limited and about to get even more limited, so I want to be very picky about what and with who I’m spending my energy on.
Honestly, it’s really hard for me to think of any intentions going into the New Year because of how unpredictable 2020 has been. While I wish I could say I plan to do x, y, and z I just don’t know what the year will look like for us. So instead of writing down what I plan to do, I’d rather go into 2021 with no expectations at all and just be present in the here and now. Jackson is still 100% remote learning (not by choice) and it leaves me home-bound most days. Of course, I wish there were days I was free as a bird and could take care of my own appointments (things like a dentist appointment just aren’t as easy to get to these days) or wander the Home Goods aisle. But honestly, the second I get some free time and run mindless errands, I get bored and end up coming home anyway. Funny how that works. So my only intentions for 2021 are to stay safe, try not to get the damn COVID, surround myself with the people who fill my cup, lift me up, and bring out the best in me, and stay positive (not COVID positive). The end 🙂
Here’s to a happy and healthy 2021!
xx, A+ H