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How Far Along: 32 weeks and I only have 2 more of these posts before he’s here.. maybe only 1 if there’s a God. Jk.. but I anticipate making it all the way to 40 weeks. Jackson came ON his due date and Cam came 1 day early so I’m sure Parker will be similar. However, I plan to start all the labor inducing tactics come 36 weeks (which I know don’t work but it makes me feel like I’m being proactive). Might even jump off my countertop a few times to see if that does something. Again, I’m kidding.. I think.
Feeling: Oh, the aches and pains of third trimester. If I sit or lay down for too long and stand up, I go into a full blown limp. The weight gain is taking its toll on my hips and I’m not sure if it’s sciatica or just achy joints but either way, it’s bring-you-to-your-knees type pain. My joints get so stiff and lock out and when I try to walk, I’m like the tin man who needs oil lol. If it was cool to have a cane, I’d get one. Trying to treat myself to the occasional maternity massage to keep things moving properly.
Maternity Clothes: I stopped buying maternity clothes because with only 60 days left, I can make do with what’s in my closet (something I have NEVER said in my life haha). I did, however, buy one pair of non-maternity jeans for postpartum.. I know I will want to get rid of my maternity jeans (SEE YA!!) and feel normal again in a regular pair of jeans. But I also know my regular size won’t fit right away so I bought cheap ones from H&M here. Boyfriend style, sized up, still cute but didn’t break the bank. I also bought some oversized tees to wear with leggings and sweaters as my due date approaches. The thought of anything tight and constricting makes me nauseous. And I wear oversized tees pregnant or not so I didn’t feel bad about a few inexpensive tees.
Sleep: What’s that? ‘Nuff said. Up every 2 hours to pee. Can’t fall back asleep. Mind racing 100 miles a minute.
Body Changes: I feel much more swollen this pregnancy than my previous trips around the sun. I notice it in my ankles mostly… serious cankles happening! But I know it’s just water weight and my ankles will return their normal size, right?! Other than that, just growing at an incredible rate lol.. it’s definitely not slow and steady at this point.
Exercise: I am trying SO hard to keep it up but some days, I’m just like, “EFF IT!” Yoga always sounds like the best option and then I get there and the teacher spends 20 minutes laying on your stomach and ab work.. it’s like why did I pay for this?! Barre is my best friend at this point because I can keep up the majority of the class. And to be honest, Orange Theory once a week has kind of been amazing.. the walking and weights is so good for me. I just take it slow. I take everything slow and it’s so hard not to want to push myself harder but when I do, I regret it. At the end of the day, I have remained active, I walk a TON, I chase after my kids, I make it to a workout class here and there so I know I have done everything I can to be healthy this pregnancy. And I know it’ll pay off once he gets here and I see those lbs MELT OFF! Ya right.. #expectations vs. #reality 😉
Cravings: I don’t have specific cravings at this point.. although, I do treat myself to a fresh blueberry muffin or donut once or twice a week cuz with 2 months left, why the hell not at this point?!
Looking Forward To: Alcohol, sleep, walking normally, eating healthy, working out and socializing again.. everything is compromised during pregnancy and I just don’t feel like myself right now. I know it’s only going to get worse before it gets better (I’ve always dealt with some version of postpartum/baby blues) but I’m hopeful I have the coping skills to get through it and out the other side within a few months of P being born. I’m looking forward to the holidays, to having family in town to help out, and getting into a groove as a family of 5.
Thanks, as always, for listening xx, H