hat | sweater |sunglasses | boots
How Far Along: 36 weeks and just 4 short weeks away from meeting him. And something tells me they’re going to fly by.
Feeling: A tad anxious. Even though I’ve given birth two times before, each experience was so different and I just wish I knew how it’s all gonna go down with P. With Jackson, I went into labor at 2 am or so (my water didn’t break) and I worked through contractions at home for 12 hours before heading to the hospital dilated at a 6. It wasn’t fun, let’s just say that. But I got to the hospital in time for an epidural and he was born that night. With Cam, my water broke at 1 am, no contractions, got two rounds of pitocin in the hospital and endured maybe an hour of pain before getting an epidural. He was out 2 hours later. With both boys, I pushed for less than 10 minutes.. SO lucky. Two textbook labors but still different. I’m praying for a similar experience I had with Cammy but it could all go to hell in a hand basket real quick.. as we all know. Anyways, long story short.. just anxious to get him out. But really excited too.
Sleep: You mean insomnia? We are past the point of sleeping. Parker already has his standard awake and sleep periods and let’s just say 3 am is his favorite time to party. Someone’s gotta teach him that nothing good happens after 12 am.
Body Changes: I can’t really tell what’s getting bigger at this point cuz I’m pretty sure it’s everything. My butt and thighs have really taken the biggest beating this pregnancy but it’s to be expected.. a few squats a day aren’t gonna change that. I’m not #blessed. And I have some pretty constant hip pain that’s crippling. I took Jackson and his classmates to a play last week and when I got up to walk them out, pain was shooting down my leg and back. I got through it by hobbling out the door but I am ready for that to go away.
Exercise: Declining at a rapid pace and for a few reasons. 1. I don’t sleep at night so I have no motivation to wake up early and get to the gym. 2. When I do go to the gym, I can’t walk long distances because I have to pee the entire time and there’s so. much. pressure. So I ride the bike (which is kinda pointless unless you’re really pushing yourself.. which, I’m not) and I do some light weights and lunges. It’s enough to break a small sweat but nothing crazy.. I’ll give myself brownie points for at least showing up though. Or maybe an actual brownie. 3. When I have free time during the day, it is spent preparing for this baby.
With all that being said, I do get a lot of steps in during the day and consider that exercise. I take the occasional yoga or barre class because those are the only ones that don’t leave me limping out the door. My doctor just said to keep walking.. that’s what will get this baby out. So I don’t feel so bad about not getting to a class 5x a week. I figure if I keep chasing after these kids and meeting their every demand (Can I have an applesauce? I want cereal. Mom, can I have some milk? Mom, the car went under the couch.. can you get it?) I should be good to go.
Cravings: I’ve had some weird ones these past four weeks.. with the first one being ice. I think this would typically mean I’m iron deficient? This was the case with my previous pregnancies but all of my blood work came back normal with Parker so I’m not sure where this sudden urge for ice is coming from.. probably just dehydration from chasing two nutcases. My other cravings are REALLY healthy.. donuts, cereal and bagels.. OMG BAGELSSSSSS. And this is why when I went to sit on a chair at the spa the other day, it BROKE. I wish I was joking. In my defense, I was sitting on a foot rest not meant to hold an entire person BUT STILL. So yeah, there’s that.. trying to keep these cravings in check but with 4 weeks left I’m just giving in when I want because I know I’ll get the weight off.. and hopefully won’t break anymore chairs. Fingers crossed.
Things I’ve Bought Him Recently: You either love em’ or hate em’ and I happen to love them: these gowns for easy middle of the night changes. Trying a new sound machine.. I have this one for the boys but bought this one on good authority, these onesies, these bottles that I’ve used for 4 years now, this swaddle, and some cute onesies from Old Navy. He really has a very limited wardrobe because I’ve learned that my babies spend most of their time in onesies and pajamas.. at least until they’re 6+ months old. It’s convenience, it’s laziness, it’s we aren’t going anywhere besides our house and no one sees them in a cute newborn outfit.
Looking Forward To: Not being weighed every 2 weeks because OOOOOF (not that I’m even looking at the scale anymore)! I can’t wait for holiday festivities. Christmas parties, The Nutcracker, Santaaaaaaa, sledding, snow! I can’t wait to give birth and instantly feel that relief.. and while there is pain in other places, at least I’ll be able to sleep on my back and stomach again and I won’t have sharp, shooting pains down my back every time I stand up. Looking forward to all of these things and more..
And just a quick side note: I don’t want any of my posts to come across as if I am not grateful for my pregnancy journey and experience. I know how lucky I am to have become pregnant three times without trouble as there are women who would trade places with me in an instant and hope and pray to experience these same symptoms I’ve described above. My heart truly breaks for those who want nothing more than to become a mother but suffer from infertility. Please know that these posts are never intended to be insensitive.
Thanks for listening and I hope this is my last bumpdate.. and just by writing that down, I’ve jinxed myself and I’ll see you at 40 weeks 😉
xx, H