I’ve always been a moring person. I get frustrated at times how early Quinn wakes up on the daily, but then remember I was exactly the same. I was always the first one up in my house. For me, being a morning person means I feel more productive and energized throughout the day. I’m my most productive first thing in the morning and being productive first thing in the morning helps me set the tone for my day.
I have also always loved to workout first thing in the morning. Even pre-kids when I didn’t really have to workout at 6am I did. I even remember setting my alarm early in high school to run before school and took 6am spin classes in college. It’s just always been something I have always enjoyed doing and I’m a firm believer it is the key to a productive day and healthy routine for me.
Many people over the years have told me they wish they were a morning perso, but can never get out of bed when the alarm goes off. There is definitely a strategy if you’re not naturally a morning person. You can’t just decide to start waking up at 5am and assume you’ll adjust and be fine. You’ll crash and it won’t be sustainable. Today I’m sharing some tips to help you transition into becoming a morning person.
#1 Shift Your Bedtime Earlier
Ideally your goal is to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Going to bed and waking up at the same time daily is a very healthy routine for your body. If your goal is to wake up earlier then it’s important that you start trying to slowly bump up your bed time. Try to bump it up by 15-30 minutes a night.
In the past I have also found it helpful to set a phone alarm to remind me to start winding down for the evening. I dim lights, turn screens off (not perfect with this), and start my PM routine (here’s mine) so my body is ready for bed.
Waking up earlier should not mean getting less sleep. In my ideal world I’m deep in REM sleep by 9pm and up around 5am. For some it may look more like 10pm bed and up by 6am…figure our what would work for your schedule and goals.
Tip # 2 Have Something to Look Forward to
For me the biggest motivator to get my butt out of bed when my alarm goes off is to get my workout done for the day. I absolutely love checking that off the list first thing and feeling energized the rest of the day. Exercise first thing helps me be a more patient and calm mom 😉
On days I’m not waking up early to workout I still set my alarm somewhat early and follow my morning routine. We will talk about consistency below. Every night before bed I swear I think about how good that first sip of coffee will taste in the morning, so that is what I’m looking forward to in the morning. I also love having some quiet time to drink my coffee in silence.
Before bed try and think of something you’re excited about for the next day. Coffee and a workout are my motivators but maybe yours is having a cozy robe and slippers waiting for you to get into, a morning meditation, or a new outfit you’re going to wear. Make a list before bed of 2-3 things that you’re excited about doing the next day.
Tip #3 Stay Consistent
Consistency is key. Ideally, you’re going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday. Even weekends and even when you don’t have any place to necessarily be. Teach your body what it can expect from you.
I’m sure all you parents out there have some sort of bedtime routine for your kiddos and they go to bed around the same time every night. Predicability feels comforting and safe for kids AND adults.
#4 Develop a Morning Routine
Once your alarm goes off…have a routine to help you get your day started. If you’re headed to a workout first thing have your gym clothes laid out, water bottle full, and bag packed to make the process of getting out the door seamless.
If you’re wanting to be up earlier to have some quit time before the rest of the house wakes up or to get some emails/work done have a plan.
Having a routine helps you stay on track, feel productive, and less likely to forget something (like your kid’s lunch, your gym towel, a car snack, etc.)
My Current Weekday Morning Routine
5:00-5:45am: wake up, put on workout clothes I set out the night before, drink water
5:45-6:45am: workout (or get ready for work)
6:45-7:30am: shower/wash face + AM skin routine, make coffee + AG1, make my bed, pack Quinn’s lunch, unload dishwasher, start laundry etc.
7:30-8:30am: feed the girls, get Quinn ready for school + walk to bus stop
xx, A