This post is for my pregnant mamas who plan to breastfeed (pin this post) and for those mamas currently breastfeeding and wanting to keep up their milk supply. While there isn’t a lot of science or research to back up claims about specific foods increasing milk supply, I’m sharing some tips that can help with milk supply. Everyone’s experience breastfeeding is different and it can be stressful and frustrating in the beginning, so ultimately do what works best for you and baby.
Adequate Nutrition is Key
Breastfeeding is not the time to try and diet and lose baby weight. You may need an additional 500 to 600 calories per day to keep up with your breast milk production. Eating regularly and getting enough calories through a variety of healthy foods is essential during this time. With a newborn it can be really hard to eat consistent and balanced meals and snacks. Making sure you’re taking in enough protein, fat, and micronutrients via fruits and veggies is essential.
Electrolytes + Hydration
Dehydration can effect milk supply. Drink to thirst, but no need to over hydrate so you don’t get an electrolyte imbalance. This article on electrolytes and breastfeeding is very interesting and informative. With Quinn, I remember having water bottles all over the house where I would normally sit to breastfeed/pump. I’m using my LMNT packets 1 x day to help keep me hydrated right now.
Breastfeed and/or Pump Regularly
Empty breast signals to the body to make more milk. If you’re breastfeeding you may need to pump after to completely empty the breast to signal to the body to make more milk. It’s a supply and demand situation, so if there is increased demand there will be an increase in supply. I’m currently trying to stick to a consistent feeding schedule of every 2-3 hours with Kins right now.
Lactation Snacks
Most of these recipes include ground flax, brewers yeast, whole oats, and wheat germ. While there’s no research available on lactation cookies specifically, some of the ingredients have been linked to an increase in breast milk. These foods and herbs contain galactagogues, which may promote lactation. As I stared before, more research is needed to prove these claims, but it can’t necessarily hurt to make lactation cookies, granola, bites, etc. to have on hand for nutrient dense snacks. Here are the recipes I made ahead of time to hopefully boost milk supply.
As always, please drop your tips and tricks in the comments section below.
xx, A