My inbox is always full of nutrition related articles as I’m always trying to stay current on nutrition trends and the science. I thought it would be fun to share 5 articles (one is a podcast) I read the past week or so that I found interesting- and you might too 😉
Is Dairy Milk Good for You?
Dairy is always a hot topic with so much misinformation. I get asked all the time if cows milk is “ok” and IMO there are a lot of health benefits to having moderate amounts of dairy from quality sources in your diet. This article does a really good job of breaking down the pros, cons, and common concerns regarding dairy.
DIY Kid’s Popsicles Recipe
I love Plant Based Juniors as a resource for kid friendly recipe ideas. It’s run by two fellow registered dietitians who are very savvy in their field of pediatric nutrition. This popsicle recipe looks so fun for the summer and much healthier than the popsicles my husband got from Costco last week lol. They also have a watermelon lime ice pop recipe on their IG feed I plan to make the girls this summer. I’ve also made these in the past for Quinn.
Adding More Fiber to Your Diet
Most American’s don’t get enough fiber in their diet. Fiber is so important…and for more reasons then just helping you go to the bathroom ;). I’ve been reading Fiber Fueled for RDN continuing education and it’s been really eye opening how essential adequate fiber (and fiber variety) is for our body to function and feel it’s best. I like this article and how it explains easy ways to add a more grams of fiber to your day.
Menopause, Muscle, and Mindset
I listened to this podcast episode on my drive to work yesterday and found it very interesting. I know most people who follow our blog aren’t in menopause yet, but spoiler alert…we will all go through it. As women it’s sadly inevitable. It’s also interesting to note many women are experiment peri-menopause symptoms as early as their mid to late 30’s (including me!). This podcast episode really drive home the point of the importance of women strength training and how we can age gracefully.
Sugar Substitute Review
Since we all are aware that we should be limiting added sugars in our diet, many people often turn to low-cal sweetened food instead. There are so many low-cal sweeteners on the market today and it can be really confusing to know which is the best option. This article does a nice job of simplifying the data on the most common sugar substitutes on the market.
xx, A