I have been using this product for years and I can’t even remember who told me to start using it to give them all the credit because this baby works. I am extremely diligent with applying revitalash to my upper lash line every morning and every night. I think you can get away with once a day but I am religious with my AM and PM skincare routines so adding this extra step is no big deal to me at this point. And my lashes reap the benefits… they are so long. I asked my esthetician if I should do a lash lift (aka a perm to curl them) and she turned me away because they would hit my eyebrows lol. Maybe not that high but good old fashion mascara is all I need. The second I notice I’m running low on Revitalash, a new order is purchased right away because consistency is absolutely KEY here.
Arielle Lorre of The Blonde Files Podcast turned me on to an amber reading light (as I read at night mostly) and what a game changer for my eyes. Not only is this lighting less harsh and damaging as the blue light in your bedroom (which also messes with sleep no thanks) but I can read if my husband wants to go to bed and not disturb him. I read actual books.. no kindles or iPads.. just because that’s what I prefer and love going to book stores and perusing the best seller lists in person and so this amber reading light was a must for me.
I started taking Nutrafol (hair growth supplement) maybe a year and a half ago? I think Pinky at Skin Spirit was the first person I heard about it from and then it TOOK OFF. Advertisements on my TV, social media, and in every beauty/department store around me. At first, I didn’t notice a change.. but I am also impatient. It takes at LEAST 3 or 4 months to notice anything. And because I am the worst and want instant gratification, I stopped taking it. BIG MISTAKE. HUGE. I can’t even begin to tell you how noticeable it was when I stopped. I was like why is my ponytail so thin and small and why is my scrunchie going around ONE MORE TIME?! Epiphany. The Nutrafol WAS working. Now I don’t miss a day. It’s four horse sized pills but I’d take anything if you promised healthier and thicker hair. Now a caveat that must be mentioned.. I recently threw in some hair extensions because no matter what I do, horse sized pills or not, I have FINE hair. And not a lot of it. Nutrafol is 100% working on the hair I have. But I needed some extra volume to feel my best. I am also staying on the Nutrafol because I want to keep the hair underneath the extensions as healthy as possible.
Another product that when I don’t take it, I notice a HUGE change. About 50% of Americans are deficient in magnesium and that’s a fact.. and low levels of magnesium is tied to a number of health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. I won’t get into science or research because that is not my specialty. You can research it on your own and draw your own conclusions in discussion with your doctor what is right for you but magnesium has been a game changer in my mood and especially sleep. There is an exhaustive list of magnesium on the market and it’s hard to know which is right for you. Some are geared toward sleep while others are for regularity and headaches. I listened to Huberman Lab (Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford) and his recommendation for sleep is Magnesium Threonate to boost brain performance, relieve stress, stabilize hormone production and in turn sleep like a baby. There is nothing addictive about magnesium as your own body produces the supplement but let me tell you, the second I stop taking it I don’t sleep as soundly and feel foggy AF. Ask your naturopath or prescribing doctor which form and dosage is best for you and thank me later when you’re sleeping as good as your husband 😉
A luxuryyyyyyy. So boogie. But you know what? There are few things I look forward to in the monotony of my days besides hot coffee and ice rolling in the morning before the CHAOS ensues. Especially after my whole SHINGLES debacle, I am really trying to keep stress at bay and being careful not to reignite that monster underneath my skin. Ice rolling and cooling eye patches obviously help with puffiness and wakes me up but also calms inflamed or red skin, which I suffer from from time to time. Now, do you need The Skinny Confidential ice roller? No, no you don’t. Do you deserve it because what else do we have to look forward to? YES lol. It’s the GOAT. Huge, stays cold longer than the Amazon doooooopes, and she’s STURDY. And any eye patches will do but I love how many come in this Amazon pack and they feel damn good on my under eyes. Treat yoself.
Xx, heather