Let me just start off by saying that everything on this list does not always happen every single day and I’m far from the perfect parent. Some days we nail it and check off all the boxes and some day we aren’t even close. Nonetheless, the following 5 activities are things I feel are really important for us and I make a big effort to incorporate them into our days.
Eat Together
Kinsley is now eating 3 meals a day and sometimes a snack when she wakes up from her afternoon nap. I make it a point to eat those 3 meals with her and engage with her during meal times. Food should be fun, especially at this age while they are exploring new tastes and textures. I’ve finally been able to relax about her eating solids and enjoy the process more. She does not eat a lot right now (some meals she eats more than others) but every meal I’m offering a variety of foods and letting her explore without any pressure. As her primary role model (we spend all day everyday together lol) it’s my job to help her build confidence with food and make eating a happy and enjoyable experience.
We started reading to Quinn at a very early age (~2-3 months) as part of her bedtime routine and we do the same with Kinsley. Sometimes she’s so tired at night and we don’t have time, so I will read her books before a nap or during play time. She loves to look at the pictures and will look up at me while I’m reading. It’s so sweet. I want her to fall in love with language and reading like Quinn has.
Get Outside/Floor Play
I wish I could say we get outside for walks everyday, but that’s hard when you live in the rainy PNW. If it’s dry we will get outside and get some fresh air. If it’s a wet day we stick inside and play with her toys. I try to make a point to get on the floor and really play with her for some of time. I think that interaction is really important (same with older kids). Sure, I set up toys for her and browse my phone while she entertained herself too 😉
Talk + Sing
She really loves my singing I swear! I think it’s because she loves the songs we do at baby class and if I sing one of those songs she calms down immediately and laughs. So, I’ll sing those songs to her while changing her diaper or getting her dressed to distract her. I also talk to her all day. I narrate what we are doing as we move around the house. It can feel silly, but they really are sponges absorbing it all.
Routine + Consistency
I personally thrive on routine…I can go rogue a few days while on vacation or something, but I always CRAVE getting back into my routine. I’m a believer that kids also thrive on consistency and routine and I try my best to stick to a routine with both kids. Kins is now on a clock based nap schedule (2 naps a day) and a night routine we do every night (dinner, bath, pjs, book, bottle, songs, bed) before an early bed time (6:30pm sharp!). My kids have also always had early bed times. I’m not completely uptight….we have some nights on the weekends when it all goes out the window because we are out having fun with friends and that is fine! But, for the most part I run a tight ship and like to keep things consistent so the kids know what to expect.
xx, A