Happy Friday! We thought it would be fun to change it up this week and reveal 5 things you may not know about each of us – some personal, some just fun facts. We’ll resume our regularly scheduled Happy Hour next week but for now, we wanted to let you get to know us better 🙂
- I met my husband through work – we worked at the same company and I covered a meeting for him. When he walked in, I can honestly say that my immediate thought was, “I’m going to marry that guy one day.” It wasn’t until 4 months later that I actually reached out to him via Facebook messenger on a Monday (this was way before dating apps and the Instagram craze – thank God!) and asked him if he remembered me from our meeting. He eventually told me that he was actually on a date with another girl when he got that message (what a playaaaa!), responded and asked me out on a date for that following Friday. We’ve been together ever since! So don’t be afraid to make the first move 😉 I did! And we were married 2 years later at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach, CA.
- I’ve been dealing with TMD/TMJ Disorder for the past 3 years and nothing seems to be working to alleviate the issue. The first time it flared up was the second I gave birth to Jackson. My jaw locked out the minute he came out and I was in this state of shock and happiness and euphoria but my jaw was clicked out of place. Couldn’t shut it if I tried. I had to pry it open and pop it back into place while they were cleaning up Jackson and placing him on my chest for the first time. Ever since March 1, 2015 it has gotten progressively worse. It locks out every night because I’m clenching (got a mouthguard for $500- it doesn’t help) and it now clicks in and out of place all day, every day but mostly when I’m eating and sleeping. My dentist said TMJ surgery doesn’t work (or that it could POTENTIALLY work but it’s not 100% effective and it’s a huge surgery) and that I just need to deal with it with the remedies available. But I’m worried when I’m an old lady one day, I won’t know how to click it back into place and I’ll starve to death or something lol. The anxietyyyyy! If anyone has remedies or stories to share, I am all ears because it’s starting to really have an impact on my mental health and everyday living.
- My husband and I went to Bora Bora for our honeymoon but as it turns out, we went during “rainy season.” We got married in June but postponed our honeymoon until January so we could escape the Winter in Seattle. January is considered Summer in Bora Bora and so I just thought that meant guaranteed sun. WRONG! It rained every day from sun up to sun down. I’m the genius who didn’t research the weather.. oops. The resort offered free movies during the day -that’s how bad it was! We were like, thaaaanks?? We now look back and fondly remember it as our “honeymonsoon.”
- My youngest son, Cameron, isn’t meeting some milestones, mostly in gross motor skills (walking) and speech, and has to start physical/speech therapy to strengthen his skills. I’ve always tried to be extremely careful about comparing my children to each other and their friends but it’s SO hard when you see other kids younger than your own progressing faster. I thank God every day for healthy children and it’s something you should never take for granted. But when you see your child struggling, it breaks your heart. I know he’s perfectly fine and will walk one day – he’s just a little lazy 😉 – but when the doctor says he SHOULD be doing x, y and z and isn’t, you can’t help but worry as a mom. I also feel guilty because with Jackson, I gave him so much undivided attention. He was in a toddler group setting from a very early age because I was a working mom so he learned so much from other kids. Cameron is home with me all day and has had to adjust to our hectic schedule of always being on the go. Sure, we read to him and he gets plenty of socialization but it’s just different. Everyone I talk to assures me that, “he’s FINE!!!” but you can’t help but want to assist your child catch up and live up to his potential. I look at it this way.. if Jackson or Cameron showed an interest in baseball or golf at an early age and we put them in golf lessons or batting practice, no one would bat an eyelash. But when I say we’re going to do physical or speech therapy at 15 months old, I get eye rolls. So trying to figure out what’s best for my son, next steps and staying level-headed through it all.
- I attended Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and was a Delta Gamma sorority sister. To this day, I am best friends with a number of my college friends and surprisingly enough, my college friends and childhood/high school friends all morphed into one big group of best friends. We have a really unique, special dynamic where any single one of us – one of my high school friends and one of my college friends – are seriously tight. We’ve all been in each other’s weddings, seen one another have babies and most of them still live in California with the exception of a couple. But we all make a point to keep in contact and see one another and I’m so thankful for that.
- My husband and I both went to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo at the same time, but did not meet until we were both living in San Francisco. My old college roommate and his best friend were random roommates in SF and hosted a sangria party. I had just finished up my dietetic internship in Central Washington and he is from Kingston, WA so I think I spent the whole night telling him how lame his state is compared to California. Jokes on me because now we live in Seattle 😉
- I barely made it to the hospital in time to deliver Quinn. Well not barely, but cut it pretty darn close! I think I was in denial that I was having contractions and I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so just thought it was mild cramping. They tell you in those birthing classes to do all the laboring at home basically, so I thought there is no way this is all happening so fast…my contractions were 60 seconds apart so we figured that was just wrong and they weren’t really contractions. Ooops! I started to bleed pretty heavy (sorry if TMI) and the pain got pretty bad so we went to the hospital. I told my husband to leave all our bags in the car incase they sent us home (so much denial!!) so I had my ID and my water bottle and even made him park and we walked in instead of him dropping me off. Anyways, in triage my water broke and I was 9 centimeters dilated. They told me I couldn’t get drugs at that point (cue panic attack!) and not to push until they got me into a room. I never got fully admitted into the hospital and was signing paperwork in between contractions. Never even got an IV hooked up. I got to the hospital at 10:00pm and she came at 11:47pm.
- When I graduated Cal Poly in 2007 the head athletic trainer told me I was the second most expensive player to graduate…so many medical bills. After 4 knee surgeries and 2 serious ankle injuries I racked up quit a bill. I never really got injured before playing in college ugh! I wish I had left a different legacy than that…oh well!
- When my husband and I were dating he took me to Costa Rica for our 2 year ani. He told me right off the bat he was not proposing on the trip…but of course I had it in the back of my mind it miiiiight still happen. On our last day he told me we wanted to take one last walk on the beach…at on point he stopped and said he wanted to set up the camera to get a picture of us walking holding hands. (I’m secretly freaking out thinking he is clearly proposing because this is SO not something he would suggest) After several photo shoots he said he got some good shots and he should head back…no ring. He of course thought nothing of this and I never told him I thought he was proposing at that time until we were later engaged.
- I took 4 paid college recruiting trips for soccer: CU Boulder, University of Oregon, UNLV, and University of Kansas. At the last minute I of course freaked out and didn’t want to go to school out of state. My club coach knew the coach at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and he was able to get me into the school at the very last minute! I had never even toured the school at this point. My coach later told me how hard it was to get me into the school because of my SAT scores (you guys I don’t test well OK!) It’s funny to think about how different your life might be if you chose to go to a different school. I’m sure nothing fun would have happened at UNLV 😉
Meriem says
I am in the same situation with my baby as you Heather. He is 14 months old, not walking nor speaking. Everytime I talk to my family or friends they ask about his first word or if he is running yet ( and I don’t like it 😓) I don’t think there is something wrong with him and i didn’t even think about therapy ( denial maybe). I think he’s a bit lazy but I don’t mind if he takes his time.
admin says
I really don’t think there’s much cause for concern until they’re around 18 months and not walking or saying any words. If he’s crawling and standing and pulling himself up (and babbling), that’s progress! I know Cam will walk one day and I’m not worried about that. But with a third on the way, I definitely want to get him walking sooner than later to create a bit more independence 🙂