Thanksgiving is already next week…what?! I don’t know why I’m surprised every year how quickly the holidays sneak up on us, but I am. The next two months are likely filled with with friendsgiving feasts, holiday parties, office treats, and other festive family functions. This can be an extremely stressful time of year for those trying to handle all of the holiday eats while staying on track with their health goals. I’m sharing 5 tips to help you navigate the the holiday eating craze.
- Don’t focus on what you shouldn’t eat
Rather, prioritize what foods and behaviors make you feel your best. If you know you have a social week/weekend coming up try to have 2-3 solid “A-game” health days prior. Prioritize healthy habits going into an event filled week. Try to make these days dry (aka sober) and drink all the water. Make your meals really veggie heavy, high protein and fiber to fill you up. Make sure you’re getting in consistent exercise and adequate sleep. This well help you feel really good going into the event and motivated to stay on track. Focus on all the foods and habits that make you feel amazing and this will leave less room and desire for the other stuff. - Don’t restrict before a party/event
The holidays are an atypical time of the year with parties, events, dinners, and office treats. They do not have to be an all or nothing “I’ll get back on track in January” mentality. On the day of an event eat normally and do not save up for later because this never works and leads to overeating/overindulging because you’re STARVING when you get to the event. Fill up on foods during the day that will keep you full and satisfied. Focus on fat, fiber, and protein. For example, load up on vegetables, chia seeds, eggs, and nuts/seeds. Drink plenty of water…64oz + is a great goal! - Make it count!
Go into the holidays with a plan. Narrow down your favorites to 2-3 holiday treats that you most look forward to and enjoy over the holidays. For me, I LOVE pumpkin pie and have really started enjoying egg nog. These are foods I will have and thoroughly enjoy. Make your treats and indulgences worth it. By having a plan this will hopefully lessen impulsive unplanned eating like grabbing handfuls of the random crap in the office break room. If you’re going to have a cookie…have the best damn cookie in town…don’t waste your time on average treats. - Move for your mood
I love a good turkey trot or pre-thanksgiving Peloton ride, but going crazy trying to burn calories before the big day often backfires. Let’s just say you can’t out train a poor diet. Movement to improve your mood and energy should be the goal throughout the holiday season instead of exercising because you want to go crazy at the holiday party. Working out only with the goal to burn calories might lead you to feel like you can go crazy on all the things and make less mindful choices. - Don’t compensate for overindulgences
Lastly, if you do overindulge no big deal…get back to your normal routine right away. No need to compensate because that will create a dangerous cycle (restrict/compensate —>overeat/binge —>feel guilty —>repeat). Re-read tip #1 and make that your focus the next day. Don’t beat yourself up over it!
What helps you stay on track during the holidays?
Happy Holidays!
xx, A