Quinn and I got back from Orange County late last night and it was more than an eventful trip home. I had a total #mombrain moment and thought our flight was at 4:30pm, but turns out that was actually the arrival time in Seattle! (Husband called asking why I was texting him because I should be on my flight lol) So…. we totally missed our flight and had to get on a completely full 5:30pm flight getting us home pretty late. A totally full flight meant I was in the very back of the plane (yep next to the toilet) with an overtired lap child. Let’s just say the Alaska flight attendants were my saviors and gave me free wine. Oh and Quinn had her first happy meal for dinner…and I basically had sav blanc and some of her french fries and vanilla cupcake gold fish (these are life btw) for dinner. My point being it’s never going to look perfect when traveling…esp. with kiddos in tow, but here are some tips I try to follow while traveling to stay on track.
Tip # 1: Pack Travel Snacks (for both ways)
This might be the most important tip of all. It is easy to rush packing and just wing it when it comes to the food piece, but that means you’re at the mercy of overpriced and low quality airport food. I know all you mamas out there put a lot of time and energy into what your kiddos are going to eat at the airport and on the flight, so why not also put similar effort into your snacks? Don’t get me wrong… I will 100% buy that $7.00 Starbucks latte before boarding my 6:00 am flight, but I would prefer to eat my overnight oats with all the fixing than and a bagel and cream cheese that will leave me hangry before the plane has even taken off.
I always make a point to hit up the grocery store a few days before my trip to stock up on as many non-perishable goodies I can fit into my Lulumeon bag (you know the ones they give you at the store when you buy something? They make great travel snack/lunch bags- right?!) Not only am I packing snacks for the flight, but I am thinking of things I can have on hand in the hotel or keep in my purse to have throughout my trip. Also do not forget about the trip home. If there is not a grocery store for your to easily restock at before leaving, be sure to bring extra snacks for the flight back.
Here is a list of things typically found in my Lulu bag: trail mix or nuts, energy balls (these will keep you full or these), homemade muffins like these, bars (Perfect, Rx, Lara), granola, nut butter packets, fruit (apple slices, grapes, or a banana), individual protein powder like this, turkey jerky, crackers, and popcorn. These almond butter sugar cookies make a great travel snack too!
Tip # 2: Indulge a Little
One of the best parts about traveling is exploring new foods! It is important to be open to trying new restaurants and local dishes. Having a balance between getting in the foods that you know make you feel good and also being open to new food experiences is key. Getting caught up in negative thoughts about the macronutrient content of the food (nice way of saying calorie counting) is going to make it very difficult to be present and enjoy the moment. If your vacation destination is known for having the best __________ , TRY IT!! Food is meant to be a pleasurable, social, and a fun experience. So let yourself fully enjoy the food, location, and who you’re with.
Tip #3: Get Moving
This can also tie into tip #2. Yes, vacation is a time for rest and relaxation, but if you’re like me I enjoy being physically active on vacations. I typically dislike hotel gyms, so I will try my best to find a way to be active outdoors. Exploring new cities by foot, or going for a walk/run on the beach can be great ways to explore your environment and get in some physical activity. If you know me, I love taking classes like barre, yoga, and spin. If I’m in a city that offers those types of classes I may do a drop in class. So Make some room in your suitcase for your Nike’s, Lulus, and barre socks 😉
Tip # 4: Hydrate + Bring a Reusable Water Bottle
Travel (especially on airplanes) can be very dehydrating. I can’t stress how important it is to start hydrating before you leave for your trip. The airplane is not the best time to start pounding water. Starting being mindful about water intake a day or two before you’re leaving. Be mindful of excessive caffeine and alcohol while you’re in the the air (clearly this was not me yesterday haha!) Unless you want to pay $4.99 for a bottle of Smart Water, I strongly encourage your to BYOWB (bring your own water bottle?). It is definitely worth investing in a filtered water bottle like this and ask the kind Starbucks barista to fill it up. Yes, getting up to use the bathroom during the flight sucks, but being dehydrated is way worse!
Remember your brain has a hard time knowing the difference between thirst and hunger cues, so you may think you’re hungry but actually just thirsty. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to start drinking water…that means you’re already dehydrated.
Tip #5: Smart Sleep Habits
There are so many different factors that can make it difficult to get good sleep while traveling, but adequate sleep is essential for you to feel your best- duh! Try to stick to your normal bed time routine and bring along items that might help you sleep better (eye mask, blanket, pillow, essential oils, tea, or a book). Inadequate sleep can also effect hunger cue accuracy and you might notice craving all the donuts, pastries, bagels, cookies and coffee to keep energy levels up. Also walking around in a total daze while traveling is no fun.
Bonus Tip: Fiber! While you’re being mindful of getting in plenty of fluids and activity don’t forget about your BFF fiber! For some traveling can cause constipation, so aim to get in as much fresh produce as you can do keep things moving along 😉 Also pack your probiotics and even some fiber powder like this just in case you need a little fiber boost to get things going 😉
Safe Travels!