I’m turning 40 next month and as I continue into my perimenopause journey I have made several appointments to ensure I’m dialed into my health as I enter this new decade. I take my health and wellness seriously because I want to feel my best and age gracefully. It’s inevitable that things will change as I age and I have to let go of the things I can’t control, but it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom.
All the horrors we hear about turning 40 and going through peri and menopause don’t have to be so dramatic if we are in tune with our bodies and being on top of the things we can control. That’s why I have scheduled a few different appointments
I have been wanting to do a DEXA scan for a while now and finally scheduled one. I did my scan through BodySpec and it was a super easy experience. They emailed me a report of my results within 10 minutes then you can schedule group zoom meeting to review what the results mean. It’s a good test to do every 6 months or so and track your progress. I was most interested in getting my bone density z score and body fat %. I love numbers and the more data I have on my health the better.
I’ve been to a naturopath in the past when I was having difficulty getting pregnant with Kinsley and found it very helpful. She took a close look at my hormone labs and was able to interpret them for me and recommend certain supplements and lifestyle changes to improve my labs.
I get my labs drawn yearly and have recent lab work I would like a naturopath to interpret my hormone results for me. I have a PCP, but she doesn’t really understand how to interpret my labs, which labs are important to order and keep an eye on, etc. That’s why I find seeing a naturopath helpful at this stage. Since I’m in that peri menopause stage I don’t fully understand what my numbers mean and what I should or shouldn’t be concerned about. I would also like to discuss my current supplement routine and make changes as needed to make sure I’m only taking what I absolutely need and make sure I’m not missing anything.
Lastly, I always appreciate feedback on lifestyle or dietary changes I can make to improve symptoms I’m experiencing and ideas to help me feel my best.
I’m finally get in to see a doctor who specializes in women’s health to do my annual and get another set of eyes on my hormone labs and discuss my health status. I think it’s wise to always get a few opinions. Sometimes naturopaths and MDs don’t always see eye to eye about best treatment and I like to get both opinions and make my own decision. I’m excited to be working with an MD that specializes in women’s health, but not excited for my annual and mammogram this year ;). The things we women have to do!
Menopause Clinic
I made another appointment per a friend’s recommendation at a menopause clinic in Seattle. This is another opportunity to get another expert’s advice with how to move forward in my hormone health journey. I want to learn more about HRT options as well.
This isn’t exactly an appointment, but I plan to use a Levels continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for a month. My fasting glucose from my lab work in January was within a normal rage, but on the high end. Insulin resistance is something that can happen with age, so I want to have a better understanding of how my body responds to different foods. I think it will be a fun experiment.
xx, A
I loved this post! You should do one on appointments you would make if you were 33 and just had your 2nd baby 😅! haha I need inspo and this was so insightful!