It’s only December 2nd and I already feel the holiday burnout and stress coming on strong. Looking at the calendar ignites a bit of anxiety. Between shopping, hosting, long list of to-do’s, and parties it’s easy to feel a little out of control this time of year. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably juggling a million things already, and adding holiday chaos to the mix can feel like an overload. This is where self-care comes in.. and a little extra love for yourself during the holidays can be a total game-changer.
Let’s talk about some easy, realistic ways to take care of you this season in order to avoid the holiday burnout we so often experience this time of year:
- Set Boundaries and Stick to Them!
- This could mean a number of things but perhaps you have family planning to visit and you set expectations ahead of time like how long they’re welcome for (the saying goes that company stinks after 3 days). Maybe you say no to certain invitations that just don’t serve you. Know your social limits, go with your gut and stick to it.
- Consistent Morning and Night Routine
- No matter what my day looks like, I need my morning and nighttime routines to remain consistent. I wrote about my night routine here. As for the morning, I try to limit being on my phone, prioritize movement, do my skincare routine, and get the kids off to school as stress-free as possible 😉 Then I feel like I can conquer my day and be productive.
- Schedule “Me Time”
- Between all of the social gatherings, parties, and school events it can be hard to squeeze in some quality alone time. “Me time” can simply be a bath at the end of the night with a good book. But I like to look at my calendar every Sunday and schedule my week accordingly and really carve out the time to take care of me.
- Move Your Body
- I find with the cold weather, I want to be lazy and skip the workout. But I notice such a shift in my mood when I prioritize some movement even if it’s just a walk. I’ve been adding bala weights to my walks, lift heavy 2-3x a week and really love a hot yoga class in the winter months to stay warm. It’s amazing what just 30 minutes a day will do for your mental health and well being.
- Prioritize Sleep
- Should be at the very top of the list honestly. It’s tough in December with all of the late night gatherings and likelihood of having some cocktails here and there but my plan is to stick to my sleep routine and limit my alcohol intake as much as possible (since this is what affects my sleep most). I am in bed before 9 every night and either watch a show or read before bed. My phone goes away and on Do Not Disturb around 8 pm every night as this also affects sleep. I keep all bright, overhead lighting OFF and only have very dim lights on. I know I am bound to have some later nights and fun evenings with friends but my plan is to really ensure my body is getting the proper rest it needs in between the festivities.
- Limit Social Media
- I am already SO OVER all of the sales and overconsumption and the in your face marketing that we need, need, need. No we don’t. Limiting social media is something we should do year round not just during the holidays. Obviously we do our blog and social media as a hobby and it’s fun to share links, items we love, and “finds” we deem worthy but no, we don’t need any of it. It’s important to put parameters around your phone and social media because the doom scrolling and comparison trap is a recipe for disaster. Try staying off social media for a weekend. Or even just staying off late at night and early in the morning.
- Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)
- So much joy in saying, “No.” Some people have serious FOMO (fear of missing out) and I have quite literally the opposite. As we get older, I think it gets easier and easier to say no. The calendar is full enough as is between me, my husband and three kids. In between all of the chaos, you will find me at home. In theory, all of the events sound fun but I think picking and choosing who you spend your time and energy on and with is critical this time of year. I surround myself with people I want to be around and who fill my cup and I limit interactions that drain me.
How are you prioritizing yourself this holiday season?
Xx, Heather