I’m by no means an expert when it comes to traveling with kids and it’s a hot mess regardless of how many snacks and activities I pack. I’ve been flying with Quinn since she was 6 months old and now that she is 6.5 years old she’s the easy one. I last minute charge her iPad and headphones, make sure I pack the snacks she likes, and assist her in packing a few extra things for her carry on backpack. She packs coloring supplies, books, a stuffy, and a blanket.
I was so anxious about flying with Kinsley to Hawaii (6+ hour flight). She’s 21 months old and BUSY! She refused to nap on the way there and tried her best to resist sleep on our red eye flight home, but luckily slept a little over half the flight. Like I said…you can stress, pack all the things, and have a bullet proof plan, but in the end it’s probably going to be stressful flying with a toddler at times. In the end you make it to your destination and it’s worth it.
Here are a few tips I’ve learned the past 6+ years traveling with kids that have helped simplify the travel day.
Have older kids carry their own bags
Quinn got a suitcase for her 4th or 5th birthday (I can’t remember) and at that age I started having her carry her own backpack for the flight with all her stuff in it and roll her own little suitcase. She walks a little slower, but passing on that responsibility to her freed up my hands and space in my bags. She also enjoys being in charge of her own things. She never really complains about it, so task older kids with carrying their weight 😉
Have a plan for the flight home
I used to pull out all my toys and tricks for the flight to the destination only to be left with nothing exciting or new for the return flight. I now split up the new toys/activities/snacks into 2 piles. I pack return flight goodies in my main bag and reorganize my carry on bag before the flight home. I also pack some extras to have if we go out to eat or something on the trip.
Pack your child’s medicine cabinet in your carry on
I literally packed it all. Motrin, Tylenol, Benadryl, Pepto, bandaids, neosporin, thermometer, diaper rash cream, etc. You get the idea. And guess what…we needed a lot of this on our trip!
Rent baby gear at your destination
I brought our car seats (luckily Quinn is in a booster so that easily fits in the big car seat bag. I also stash a bunch of diapers in there-shhhhh) and I had our travel stroller. Other than that I left the big stuff at home. I rented a high chair and pack and play. It was all waiting there for me when we checked in.
Have a trash bag on the plane
Space is already limited with a lap child, and we accumulate so much trash in a short period of time. You never know when they are going to come by and pick up trash so OCD me takes matters into my own hands. I ask for a trash bag (or bring one) and just fill it during the flight with all the wrappers, wipes, etc. It helps keep the space somewhat organized so you can function better.
Mess free snacks
I used this bag to organize all our snacks. I try not to pack any “wet” snack to reduce messes/outfit changes. You know to pack extra clothes for everyone right 😉
Ditch the schedule
I am pretty strict about nap and bed time schedules at home, but when traveling you just can’t be. Let go of that stress and be flexible. Kinsley didn’t nap on the way there and I was stressed it was going to throw her off (esp. with the time change) but it didn’t at all. She napped and slept great on the trip and when we got home, but terrible on the plane. I realized she wasn’t going to fall asleep on the way there and rather than trying to force her and making a scene (and it was a scene- the flight attendant offered me a drink) i just gave up and let her play and snack and be deliriously happy. (Picture below when we landed in Hawaii after a 4:30am wake up and no nap).

Other things I packed for Kins on the plan:
* Post-it notes
* Notebook paper, washable markers, tape, stamps
* Random Target $1 sh*t. Most I toss along the way.
* Stickers
* Her favorite blanket to get cozy and stuffy
* She had her first lolly pop landing in Hawaii
* Her water bottle
* iPad and headphones she barely used

xx, A