I’m always trying new workouts, trying to mix it up, and always open to learning something new I should be incorporating into my weekly workout routine. I’ve been listening to a few different podcasts and have decided to create a more structured weekly workout routine to follow. I love structure and checking off boxes, so figured it was time to create a more cohesive workout routine loosely based on some of the podcast recomendations I have been noting.
I ended my Orange Theory membership because I have everything I need at home. I’m someone who can self motivate to workout at home and I find the classes on the Peloton app are better than OTF. The instructors are knowledgable, motivating, and fun. The classes kick my butt and there is so much variety to choose from I really don’t need a membership anywhere else, but hot yoga 😉
I was listening to this podcast speficically when I was motivated to create my own weekly 7 day protocol loosly based on his recommendations. I appreciate his protocol because it really covers everything: endurance, strength training, HIIT, flexibility, and rest and recovery. I’ve also listened to other podcasts that talk about zone 2 cardio and the importance of getting in at least 180-200 minutes of it a week.
Zone 2 cardio is about 60-70% of your max heartrate. I think of it as your base pace if you have ever taken an Orange Theory class. You can carry on a conversatin while you’re doing it, but if you pushed any harder you likely could not keep up that conversation. This can include jogging, hiking, rowing, cycling, etc.
Here is the breadown for my 7 day workout routine:
MONDAY: Lower Body Strength Training
10 minute warm up either on bike or tread. After I’m warmed up I’m doing a 30 minute lower body Peloton class. I love Jess Sims and Calley’s classes on the Peloton app. I will finsih with a 10 minute lower body stretch.
TUESDAY: Recovery Day
I tack on a stretch class onto my workouts most days, but that is what I will focus on today. Stretching, walking, epsom salt bath, etc. If you have access to a sauna/cold plunge situation this would be a great day for that. I’m hoping to have mine all set up this winter ;). I wrote a post here about what’s in my recovery toolbox.
WEDNESDAY: Upper Body + Core Strength Training
10-20 minute warm up on the bike or tread followed up with a 20 minute upper body strenth class + 10-20 minute core class.
THURSDAY: Moderate Cardio
10 minute warm up and then 30-35 minutes of 75-80% all out cardio. This is higher heart rate than zone 2 cardio, but not all out max heart rate situation.
Since I work all day on Thursdays right now, I will likely just do a jog on the tread or a 30 min ride (modifying so I’m not going all out) in the morning. This would be a great workout to take Daisy on a 30 min jog on days I’m not working.
This is a day you go to ”all out” max heart rate.
The protocol Andrew Huberman designed says to do a 20-30 second all out sprint then a 10 second rest and repeat that for 8-12 rounds. You can do this on the bike, tread, rower, outdoor track, etc.
This day I plan to do a Peloton class: either a Thunder 45 class, 20 min intervals run on the tread, HIIT cardio class, or HIIT bike class. I’ll base my choice on what I’m feeling that day. I don’t want too much rigidty in a plan where I can’t make a choice based on what sounds best for my body that day.
I love going to a 75 minute hot yoga class on Saturdays, so that is usually what I do here. I think this is a good day to check in with your body and see what it’s feeling up for. I might also go to barre class or maybe just a long walk this day to switch it up.
SUNDAY: Long Endurance Workout
This is where i’m going to try and get the bulk of my zone 2 cardio for the week. I’m aiming for 60-75 minutes of zone 2 cardio (i explained what that is above). I plan to vary between the bike and jogs. If I taka a Peloton ride, I’m not going all out because in the words of Cody Rigsby getting ”busted and breathless” is not the goal this day. Therefore, I’ll turn off the leaderboard and just do my own thing to stay at about 60-70% max heart rate. For me that’s about 140ish BPM.
Most days I’m also trying to get outside for a walk if it’s dry to get in my steps. It’s still a priority for me to get in 12k steps most days.
I love the variety of this protocol and the protocol is designed for everday life events. For example, if you need to lift heavy objects like grocery bags or moving furniture like I had to last weekend you can do it! If for some reason you need run really fast, run for some reason for 10+ minutes, etc you can do it! Training your heart rate at different zones and strength training your full body while adding on flexibility training daily and recovery day makes this a very well balanced protocol. I threw in the free day because it’s nice to have variety and change it up on the weekends.
Let me know if you guys want to take any classes together and Heather and I can post what classes and times we plan to take so we can do it all together!
Here’s to some workout motivation to get us through this winter!!
xx, A