School will look a little different this year for most of us but like Alix said in her back to school post for Quinn, we can still get our kids excited for a new school year whether that be in the classroom or at home. My boys and I went to Nordstrom a couple of weeks ago to get sized for new shoes and we ended up leaving with new backpacks, clothes, water bottles, AND shoes. Not intentional at all but it got them excited to start Kindergarten and Preschool and now they are geared up for the fall. We also snagged some stuff off Amazon and Target because.. because 😉
You can click the icon on each item (when you hover over the image) and it will take you directly to the site to shop:
Here is everything I bought for the boys:

Lastly, their face masks. These are the only ones I’ve found that fit both the 5 year old and 3 year old thus far.. everything else is too big!
xx, H