I’d like to preface this post by stating that I have never been one to naturally produce a ton of milk after I’ve had my babies. And I’d like to debunk the myth that even if you have huge boobs (like me) it doesn’t correlate to a strong milk supply. Some women have an over supply, some have an average supply and some have a naturally low supply. And that’s me.. I just don’t produce a ton. So, I have to implement all of the tips and tricks to boost my milk game. Today, I am sharing what I do on a daily basis to ensure Parker is getting enough to eat.
First up.. my boobie smoothie. It’s full of ingredients proven to increase your milk but is also clean and healthy.. not loaded with sugar and things that don’t serve me. Oh and it tastes real good. Kinda key, right? Recipe here:
1/2 cup of Almond milk: use vanilla if you want a touch of sweetness and creaminess. Almonds are great milk boosters. If you don’t have almond milk, coconut water is a great base, too.

1 tsp brewer’s yeast: the star of the show! Known as a common galactagogue and said to combat fatigue and baby blues. YES!
1/4 cup blueberries: add the most of this ingredient. These are amazing antioxidant fruits and this is your superfood add in for powerful dense nutrients.
1/2 frozen or fresh banana: delish potassium and calcium rich
Handful of spinach: gotta get your greens in and you won’t taste it in your smoothie.. promise.
2 Tbsp ground flax and 1/2 Avocado for added fat and fiber to keep you full and satisfied

Scoop of collagen protein by Vital Proteins.
Top with Alix’s secret weapon – lactation granola and VOILA! Milk will be a FLOWIN. Recipe can be found in this post here.

The next thing I do to ensure my milk is at its peak is have this Mother’s Milk caffeine free herbal tea each morning and night (you can have up to 5 cups daily and it’s really good with honey). My girlfriend dropped it off one day and the active herbs in the tea (fennel, anise, coriander, fenugreek and blessed thistle) are galactagogues aka bringer of milk.

Next up: water water water and then more water in my hydro flask. I fill it up with ice, water and lemon every morning and try to down at least two of them a day.

Now, I am not going to sit here and say that doing all of these things will produce a ton of extra milk because I do have to supplement with formula from time to time because my babies have always just been haaangry. And I can’t keep up! Even with all the pumping in between feedings. But I know I am doing all the right things to aid in my breastfeeding journey.
Also, there are times during the day or middle of the night when I just NEED A BREAK and it’s really nice that my husband can step in and feed the baby. For those of you who just need a break too, I use this formula.
There is nothing easy about breastfeeding and it is different for everyone.. and at the end of the day, a fed baby is a happy baby.. whether it comes from your body or from a bottle.
If you have tips for how to increase your milk supply, leave them in the comments!
xx, H
Great post, girl!