Cam turns 4 on Wednesday and I’m IN AGONY over it. My second boy is not a baby anymore.. like actually confirmed.. and very much a little boy with a mind of his own. Cammy is silly, quirky, passionate, freakishly good at video games, wants to be just like his brother in every sense, and requires little to no sleep.. more on that later.
Since the day he was born, he’s just been so different than Jackson (and that goes for Parker, too). All three of my boys are so unique from one another but today is about Cammy. He has the most gorgeous blue eyes and a pout that will get him whatever he wants. He is always making us laugh with his silly voices and imitations.. he is the goofiest of the three for sure. He wants to be just like Jackson in almost every sense.. except when it comes to sports. I recently signed him up for ski and t-ball and the skiing did NOT go according to plan lol. He just doesn’t have the desire to do it but we’re going to keep trying and will stop until next season if need be. As for t-ball, we’ll see what happens.. he keeps saying he wants to try it and then he says, “Maybe when I’m four.” Well, that day is HERE my dude.

My husband and I agree that Cam probably has the most “natural” talent.. and is a lefty (like me)! So we’d love to foster his talents if he develops a passion for it. He kicks everyone’s butts at video games without even trying so maybe he’ll have that raw talent in the real world 😉 Of course, it’s not all about sports but we just see so much potential with him. He’s a bit of a pessimist at heart and we have to really encourage him to try and keep going at things.. and when he “gets it”.. like riding a bike or his new four-wheeler.. he lights up. “I did it!” Seeing his confidence is my greatest accomplishment, too.
He has more energy than anyone I know and can RUN, RUN, RUN for hours. He doesn’t stop and when it comes to bedtime, he’s just not tired. Or so he says ha! But honestly, he doesn’t “melt down” over being too tired. I think he could stay up all night and be fine the next day. Obviously we don’t let him do that but it just proves my point that every child is so different and has different needs. We have a strict bedtime during the school week but on the weekends, anything goes really. But no matter what time he goes to bed, he’s the first one up, makes his way to the couch, grabs some dry cereal and waits for the rest of us to make our way out of bed. Sometimes he’ll crawl into bed with us but mostly, he just wants to see Jackson so will also sometimes wait outside of his door for J to wake up. Seriously the sweetest.

I have always been the most worried about Cam being the middle of three boys and what that would do to his confidence.. is he gonna need therapy because he thinks he doesn’t get enough attention? I’m surely screwing him up, right?! Will he always be striving to be “just like Jackson” even though he has completely different interests, likes and dislikes? We are really trying our hardest to embrace him as his own little person and encouraging him find to his voice and not his brother’s. He wants to do everything Jackson does and for now, that’s great.. if that’s what he wants. I just never want him to feel as though we are pushing him to be “just like Jackson” or anyone else for that matter.
I think this next year will be a huge year of growth for him independent from J because they are in different schools making their own friends. Cam does wonderfully at school and loves it.. it’s all I could really hope for when we moved. I am hopeful that he continues to love learning and making new friends. At the end of the day, Cam’s favorite thing to do is make people smile and laugh at his silliness and now I’m wondering if I’ll look back on this post one day when he’s been named the class clown.. it would all make sense 😉 But instead of pushing fast forward on what I *think* his life will look like, I am going to cherish this little blue-eyed boy as a sweet but spicy 4 year old. I can’t wait to see what this next year brings.
Happy birthday, Cam Bam!
And now for some pictures of his room that turned out SO cute if I do say so myself 🙂 I got a lot of it from Home Goods so I’ll link similar items:

xo, H