More is not always better when it comes to supplements. If you’ve been following along for a while, then you know I’ve been on a journey to significantly cut back on my supplements. Since that post I have also stopped taking Athletic Greens supplement. I have started to make an even more conscious effort to ensure I am getting in important nutrients through food and not relying on supplements. … [Read more...]
Notes From My Naturopath
I saw a naturopath a few weeks ago and have implemented some changes to help with my hormones (trying to regulate my period). We are also working on ways to lower my LDL cholesterol and glucose levels. My HA1C and fasting blood glucose are technically in a normal range, but if the labs were one of my clients we would be talking about it. They are higher than they should be with my lifestyle, … [Read more...]
5 Ways I Habit Stack
Habit stacking has become a somewhat trendy phrase on social media, but you might not fully understand what it means. Habit stacking simply means stacking a new behavior you would like to implement into your routine on top of an old one. By adding it alongside a regular habit you already do, you’re increasing the likelihood that you'll stick with the new habit. Essentially one habit is a cue for … [Read more...]
Spring Refresh // Activewear
I get asked all the time about workout motivation. For me, having cute workout clothes is a HUGE motivator for me. Even if I’m just working out in my garage, if I feel cute my workout is better. It’s science ;). Really though, I look forward to working out when I have new workout pieces laying out waiting for me when my alarm goes off at 5:30am. As you can see, I personally like pops of bright … [Read more...]
5 Upcoming Appointments I Have for My Health as I Head into My 40’s
I’m turning 40 next month and as I continue into my perimenopause journey I have made several appointments to ensure I’m dialed into my health as I enter this new decade. I take my health and wellness seriously because I want to feel my best and age gracefully. It’s inevitable that things will change as I age and I have to let go of the things I can’t control, but it doesn’t have to be all doom … [Read more...]
A Round Up of My Favorite Workout Shoes
One shoe does not fit all workouts. I’ve become a bit of a workout shoe snob in my old age and I’m very picky about what shoes I’m wearing based on my workout. Running, strength training, and even HIIT require different shoes. For example, you want very flat shoes for strength training; especially if you’re focusing on lower body. When running, you obviously want something a lot more … [Read more...]
7 Things I Wish Knew About My Health When I Was Younger
WEAR SUNSCREEN DAILY I grew up playing soccer in Southern California and I have zero memories of ever putting on sunscreen. I continued to play in college at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and was outside constantly and NEVER wore SPF. Thank god for skin care technology and lasers to help remove the sun damage on my face. I also get yearly skin checks now and wear SPF daily (even in the winter). … [Read more...]
Are you Eating Enough Fiber? 10 Easy Ways to Sneak in 5 Extra Grams of Fiber into Your Meals
Move over protein, it’s fiber’s day to shine. Fiber is SO important and most of us aren’t getting nearly enough as we should on a daily basis. “Gut health” is a buzz word in the nutrition and wellness space right now, but adequate fiber intake is important for more than just gut health. Simply put, fiber feeds your gut microbes…and a happy gut means a happy body. A healthy gut impacts almost … [Read more...]
My Current Nighttime Favorites
Pink Pajamas These are the most comfortable pajamas. The material is super lightweight and breathable and they are one sale ;) LED Face MaskMy goal is to wear my mask 3 x week for 20 minutes. I’ll put it on in the evening while stretching. I notice a big difference in my skin when I do this consistently. Reading LightI love my Kindle, but if I’m borrowing a book from a friend or I have a … [Read more...]
10 Trader Joe’s Snacks I’m Loving as a Registered Dietitian
I think we can all agree that it is SO fun to cruise the Tarder Joe’s aisles stock up on all the unique products they carry. I can be a little picky about what I put in my cart at TJ’s and I’m always checking the ingredients labels. Sure, I throw in some fun things here and there for the kids that don’t check all the nutrition boxes, but for the most part I try to stick to the more simple … [Read more...]
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