I wrote a post back in December 2018 on Boosting Your Immune System and all of these tips still apply today while you’re trying to keep yourself healthy. I figured with everything going on with the virus it might be helpful to focus on foods you can be adding into your diet to support a healthy immune system. I’m by no means saying these foods will prevent you from getting sick, but will help strengthen your immune system.
Citrus + Red Bell Peppers Citrus foods contain Vitamin C which increases the production of white blood cells and more WBCs means your body can help protect the body for infection and intruders. Red bell peppers (yes specifically red, but green, yellow, and orange are good options too) have significantly more Vitamin C than oranges.
Sweet Potatoes + Carrots hello beta carotene (a precursor for Vitamin A) powerhouse veggies! Vitamin A is also beneficial for the the immune system by helping to produce white blood cells. It also helps form the mucous membranes that lines the respiratory tract and acts as a protective barrier to keep germs out of the body. Guess what’s NOT sold out at the grocery stores right now and should be 😉
Brazil Nuts are PACKED with selenium. One nut can contain 175% of the RDI. Selenium is an essential trace element that is vital for your immune system, thyroid gland, and cell growth. I eat 1-2 brazil nuts daily as part of my vitamin regimen.
Turmeric curcumin, which is the natural compound in turmeric responsible for its bright orange color, is a potent anti-inflammatory. It has also been shown to boost immunity and enhance antibody response. Tip: combine turmeric + black pepper to increase curcumin’s bioavailability. I take these tumeric gummies everyday and love!
Walnuts are high in omega 3 fatty acids and a top anti-inflammatory food. Walnuts contain several nutrients that play a role in supporting the immune system, including vitamins E and B6, copper, and folate.
Greek Yogurt gut health is directly correlated with the immune system. So, it’s important to include foods in your diet that help support the micro biome. I wrote an entire post on #guthealth here.
Garlic raw garlic has the most health benefits because allicin, the main active compound in garlic, is thought to improve your immune cells’ ability to fight off colds and the flu. Garlic has also shown to have antimicrobial and antiviral properties that may help fight bacterial and viral infections. Garlic pills are not as effective as eating the real (and raw) thing.
Green Vegetables provide anti-inflammatory antioxidants, as well as key vitamins and minerals known to help the immune system function properly which include vitamins A and C and folate.
Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants and selenium which decrease inflammation and fight off free radicals.
Raw Honey is rich in minerals and contains antibacterial properties that can help strengthen the immune system. Manuka honey, a variety of honey native to New Zealand (available in the US and a little $$) may specifically help bolster immunity.
As far as what to avoid (or limit as much as possible) are foods that may fuel inflammation or stress your immune system. I would recommend limiting refined sugar and oils, deep-fried foods, processed foods (especially those with artificial ingredients), and alcohol.
Limiting wine is definitely a challenge for me right now, but I’m doing my best to eat well, drink a lot of water, get 7-9 hours of sleep (when Quinn will let me), take all my vitamins, and exercise daily.
What are you doing to support your immune system right now?
Stay healthy,
xx, A