I felt like this part of my home reveal was fitting seeing as it’s a New Year and people are setting new goals and intentions for 2021. And while Alix and I are not into diet culture, the timing seemed right to share my home gym after receiving some questions about it over the past few weeks! So today I am linking everything we have and some athleisure pieces I love for all of my workouts.
Weight Power Cage – this is the actual power cage we have in our gym but this one is a bit more budget friendly from Amazon! I’m not going to pretend like I use it all that much.. this is more my husband’s equipment but if I ever decide to learn how to do pull ups (a 2021 goal), this is the machine I will use!

Rowing Machine– again, something my husband bought to use but it is nice having the option to create a little Orange Theory class (tread, rower, weights) at home.

Pro Form Treadmill– We didn’t splurge on a fancy treadmill.. it just needs to get some speed for runs and brisk walks and this one does the trick! It doesn’t have the bells and whistles but for under $600, it works great and serves its purpose. I love doing Peloton runs and HIIT walks so I just put it up on the TV and get it done.. no Peloton treadmill needed!
Bow Flex Weights – These are our favorite weights because you can adjust them to fit your needs for any workout. I love using these for my Peloton bootcamps when I transfer from the bike to the floor and can easily change them from medium to heavy resistance based on the different types of workouts I’m doing.
We love having this HUGE clock in the gym that shows not only the time, but date and temperature as well. The perfect gym clock in my opinion and it illuminates the room if I don’t want to put the lights on early in the morning. No one needs that much blue light first time, am I right?!

My Bala bands are the perfect accompaniment to barre and pilates workouts. Alix does barre 3 and Pure Barre a handful of times a week and those links work for 24 hours so I try and sneak some in here and there and add my Bala bands for added resistance. Burns so good.
Lastly, my massage gun is a “can’t live without” new addition to my gym. Contrary to popular belief, I’m no athlete 😉 but a massage gun is so great when I have a few sore muscles from a workout or run. But it is also great for any joint pain (my pregnant mamas!).. think hip and back pain. The gun is really quiet and has 6 different speeds and attachments. I use it before and after workouts depending on how my body feels.
Now for my favorite workout gear as we head into 2021. Love my Lululemon but also appreciate a budget friendly dupe:
Happy 2021 and cheers to new goals!
xx, H