While I’m sad to see summer go, I really do love fall and the routine and structure it brings. School has officially started for BOTH girls and we are working on getting back into our school routine after a relaxing summer.
I often have clients who take breaks from working with me over the summer because they are traveling a lot and their nutrition, workouts, and routines just look different during this time of year….and that’s ok!! If you’re finding yourself feeling “off” from a relaxed summer and wanting to get back into a healthy routine this fall…here are my top tips to get you started.
I like to break it up into categories: nutrition and supplements, hydration, exercise, sleep, and relationships. I think these are the main pillars for health and it’s less overwhelming if we break them up and set specific goals for each category.
- Eat at home at least 4-5 x week
If you’re like me and found yourself ordering take out more than cooking over the summer then it’s time to reel it back in. We all know eating at home is significantly more nutritious for the entire family (and cheaper). Take a look at your weekly schedule and find at least 4-5 nights a week (the more the better) to eat at home. This obviously means needing to meal plan and prep, so set aside time to do that as well. - Prioritize protein and fiber
If you’re wanting to get back into a healthier eating routine and not sure where to start I encourage you to simply focus on getting in adequate and quality protein and fiber. I wrote a high protein and fiber meal plan here if you need some inspiration. - Organize your supplements
If you were traveling a lot over the summer and stopped taking your supplements it’s time to get back on track. I like using this pill organizer to make sure I’m taking my supplements daily. If you’d like to start a supplement routine and not sure where to start, I wrote a blog post on the top supplements I recommend for most people without even seeing your lab work.
- Water goals
If you drank more aperol than water over the summer it’s time to bust out your 40oz Owala and fill her up! The goal is to drink AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces a day, but ideally your body weight. - Electrolytes
Add in some electrolytes. You will increase your hydration status with added electrolytes especially if you’re active!
- Steps
Set a daily steps goal and start tracking. Ideally you’re getting between 8-12k steps a day. If you’ve been less active over the summer then you’d like, then starting with just walking and moving more is a great place to start. - Strength training
Schedule in 2-4 strength training days a week. Personally, I love the Peloton app for strength training, but there a lot of options out there. Find what works for you.
- Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier
If you’re wanting to add in things to your morning routine then you might need to wake up earlier to make this happen. Try going to bed 30 minutes earlier and waking up 30 minutes earlier. - Quality sleep
Getting enough sleep, 7-9 hours a night, and quality deep sleep is imperative for good health. Sleep should be at the top of the list actually because it’s that important and will impact everything else on this list. Set yourself up for success by having a solid evening routine.
Lastly, I really like this habit tracker. You can fill in what superfic habits (ex. drink 80 oz water, get 12k steps, go to bed at 9pm, etc.) you’re working on adding into your routine.
xx, Alix