Q: Is it better to workout on an empty stomach for weight loss?
A: For weight loss, yes. Fasted cardio will help you tap into stored fat because you won’t have any glucose stored as it was depleted overnight. However, I’m conflicted about recommending this because I think there can be some down sides. I’ve tried working out on an empty stomach and sometimes I feel fine and other times I feel like I don’t get as good of a workout because I don’t have enough energy to push myself and I’m thinking about food the whole time lol! So, even if weight loss is your fitness goal figure out if you can get in as good of a workout fasted vs. having a small snack before. If a small pre-workout snack pushes you to workout harder and longer then I think that is more advantageous.
Q: How often do you do cardio vs. strength training?
A: I don’t have set days that I do cardio vs. strength training. I really try and listen to my body and see what I’m feeling the next day. If I’m feeling energized and wanting a high intensity workout then I’ll schedule an Orange Theory or spin class or go for a run. I’m feeling like I need to slow down and work on strength via lagree method pilates or barre then I’ll schedule that. When I’m feeling a rest day is needed I will walk, take a yoga class, or just do NOTHING (which can be hard for me to let myself do…working on it!). Ideally, you’re doing a good mix of both though because we really do need both and we should be switching up our workouts as well. I would say 2-3 days cardio + 2-3 days strength based with 1-2 rest/walk/yoga days is a good balance.
Q: I have chronic migraines. Do you have any recommendations for low impact exercise other than yoga/walking?
A: Ugh I’m sorry! I love barre and lagree pilates for low impact exercise.
Q: Barre/pilates vs. HIIT workouts? What would you recommend for weight loss and toning?
A: Honestly, both! I’m a believer of switching it up and always keeping you body on it’s toes. HIIT workouts have some newer studies showing it’s most beneficial for weigh loss, but I also don’t think that is a type of workout you should be doing 5-6 days a week. It’s too intense and stressful on your body which can raise stress hormones. Mix it up with a few days HIIT with some lower impact exercise like barre, walking, pilates, yoga etc. I think you will see the most change in your body that way and you also won’t get bored!
Q: What do you eat before early morning workouts? Also is maca a yes or no?
A: It depends on the time what and how much I eat. If I’m doing a 5am workout I usually don’t eat and just drink water. If my workout is 5:30-6:00 am I typically eat 1/2 banana and water. If I’m working out more like 7-9am I’ll do banana with almond butter, oatmeal with almond butter, or a piece of toast with almond butter (basically a carb and almond butter lol) those are things I tolerate well and get good energy from before a morning workout.
I’m into maca, but don’t use it as much as I should probably. I have it in my fridge but seem to bypass it when making smoothies. Some people say they feel too “buzzed” or even anxious after consuming it, but I have not personally had that experience. Possible pros: increases energy and endurance, mood booster, improves fertility (mostly in men) and other sexual health benefits, and fight free radicals.
Q: Are there weight loss benefits to starting on the treadmill vs. rower/weights in Orange Theory or why do you always want to start on the tread?
A: If fat loss is your goal then weights first because you will be able to lift heavier weights and your heart rate will be elevated for more caloric burn going into your cardio. If you’re training for a race (or endurance is your goal) then you want to start with cardio. Basically depending on what your personal fitness goal is is where you want to start so you have the most energy to give during that section of class in this case.
Personally I like getting the cardio done first and feel like I get a more energetic start to my workout. The best choice is based upon what you prefer IMO because you’re going to work harder if you’re mentally into it. If you hate starting with weights but think that will help you burn fat, but your energy is low and you’re not working hard then it doesn’t matter and you’re not maximizing your workout. The fact is you’re getting in a good workout either way, so pick which one your prefer!
Q: How many rest days do you take and/or recommend?
A: #1 recommendation is to listen to your body. I typically take 1-2 rest days and sometimes those can include walks, yoga, or laying on the couch 😉 A good goal is to be active more days than you’re not active and work up from there!
Q: Is 10,000 steps a day a good steps goal or is that made up?
A: It is somewhat of a made up number…let’s just say it’s not based on science, but it’s still a great goal! 10k steps is about 5 miles which can be very challenging for some that have more sedentary jobs/lifestyles. A good goal is 6k which is about 3 miles most days. More steps/day is has health benefits, but don’t become obsessive over the numbers and set realistic goals for yourself.

My biggest piece of advice for workouts + weigh loss is to find what you actually enjoy doing. If you hate HIIT workouts then don’t force yourself to do it because you won’t stick to your workout routine long term. Find something you actually enjoy doing and get excited about. You will be most consistent and get the most out of your fitness routine if it’s something you look forward to and have a smile on your face during. Seriously.
