At the beginning of the year I made a vision board to help me visualize what I wanted to focus on in the New Year. People typically lose steam 2-3 months into the New Year with their goals, so I find it helpful to check in throughout the year to reset, motivated, and make adjustments as needed to the lofty goals we set 6 months ago.
“Enjoy the little things”
I feel like I’m getting better at this. It’s easier to do with summer upon us and the nice weather making everyone a little happier. I’m constantly reminding myself to breath and have patience with my family and soak up the special moments as a family. I still loose my sh*t all the time, but if I’m taking care of myself I have more chill with the family. I’m trying to embrace the chaos more and remind myself the kids won’t be kids forever.
Strength Training
I’m doing really well with this goal and loving it! I’m really motivated to get stronger and maintain muscle mass as I head into my 40’s. My current strength training routine is Monday lower body, Tuesday upper body, Wednesday usually a bootcamp with full body strength, and Friday is a full body.
Our schedule was getting a little crazy with kid activities and me working, so I was not cooking as much as I would have liked. Ideally I’m cooking 4-5 nights a week. We don’t have great takeout options in Gig Harbor, so the take out life isn’t very enticing which motivates me even more to be cooking. Now that it’s summer and I’m not working I have a lot more time and energy for grocery shopping and cooking. I do think I have been putting more effort into my own breakfast and lunch meals which feels good. As moms we are always cooking for everyone else meeting their needs meanwhile we are eating the leftover scraps. I’m prioritizing slowing down and making myself yummy food too and sharing with Kins of course.
I just complained my husband yesterday that we were using the sauna enough. We are barely going in now that the weather has warmed up. It’s hard to motivate to sauna when it’s hot outside. I’m readjusting my goal this summer and I want to try and go in first thing in the morning after my workout 2-3 x week.
I set the goal to read/listen to 50 books in 2023 and I’m currently one book behind schedule. I’m choosing some books that are pretty long, so I’m not sure I’ll hit my goal. My friend made a good point about choosing quality books you want to read over shorter books and less quality just to hit a goal. I listen to books all the time…while driving, walking, and I’ll wear my headphones around the house and listen while doing housework. I read actual books much slower because by the time I pick up my book in the evening I’m exhausted and only get through one chapter.
I really and cliche and love playing pickleball so much. It’s been getting even more fun the better I get and the more I understand and gain strategy to my game. I’m only playing once a week, but that’s good for the phase of life I’m in right now. One day it will hopefully be a few times a week when the kids are both in school 😉
”If you’re not willing to work for it, don’t complain about not having it”
I still love this quote and use it to remind myself daily to put in the work. I truly can’t handle people who complain all the time- sorry if I’m offending anyone. You’re not going to see anything change or improve unless you’re willing to work for it.
Ask the Dietitian
I just wrapped up my PE teacher era. It was a good experience, but the situation just wasn’t the best for me. Maybe I’ll do it again in a different setting, but for right now I’m refocusing on my nutrition work. I plan to go back to nutrition work in the fall and also going to try and attend a national nutrition conference in October. I’m taking steps to motivate and get back in the nutrition field after taking some time off with the kids.
How are you doing with your 2023 intentions?