Welcome to our first Happy Hour – one of many that will happen at The Champagne Theory! In fact, every Friday we plan to do a Q&A based on the most frequently asked questions we received throughout week. So grab a glass of champagne, wine-red or white we don’t discriminate- or cocktail (get it guuuuurl) and join us for happy hour. And don’t judge us if we misspell something-we typically write these after a glass or two.
1. What workouts are you currently doing and how often do you go?
Heather: Alix and I work out a ton together so our answers will probably be very similar but as of right now, I do a combination of Orange Theory, barre, pilates and yoga. As you can tell, I like to change it up! We try to find package deals through Groupon or Living Social so we can try new studios in Seattle. I consistently do Orange Theory 2x a week and then switch up barre, yoga and pilates the other 3-4 days out of the week. Our local golf club also has a gym so if I can’t get into an Orange Theory class or my packages are running low, I will create my own HIIT type workout at the gym. Ideally, I work out 6 days a week but right now it’s more like 4 or 5. The struggle is real to find the time but I do my best!
Alix: Pretty much same same as Heather. I love changing up my routine to keep me challenged, motivated, and having fun! I used to teach barre so I love Pure Barre and did this throughout my pregnancy. I like to do HIIT 2-3 days a week either at Orange Theory Fitness or finding a fun Tone It Up or BBG workout online I can do at home. I also love yoga and try to force myself to go at least once a week which I currently can’t do with my finger/hand injury/situation! Lastly, I’m trying to get back into running and if my body can hold up I’m training for a half marathon! Ideally working out 5-6 days a week, but just listen to my body.
2. I’m visiting Seattle in a couple of weeks – what are some healthy restaurant options for lunch? Any dinner recs?
Heather: My favorite go-to spots downtown for lunch would be The Juicy Cafe, Evergreens or good ol Nordstrom Cafe. For dinner, my list could go on and on but Japonessa across from The Four Seasons (stop in for a drink at their bar – it’s gorg), Barolo or Purple Cafe would be at the top of the list!
Alix: To be honest I still feel really new to the Seattle food scene so trust Heather’s recs. I’m always asking her this question too. They did just open up a Juice Press which has AMAZING healthy options ($$$). I also Postmates Evergreens salads more than my husband would like me to!
3. Heather posted a Thread and Supply fuzzy pullover that seems to be sold out everywhere. Any good dupes?
Nordstom still has a few limited sizes left here but Vici Collection also has some great dupes for half the cost here and here.
4. Alix – you made homemade almond milk in one of your instastories. Can you share the recipe?
Stay tuned 🙂
5. Did you sleep train your babes and if so, what method did you use and when did you start?
Heather: I know this is a controversial topic and there are a lot of opinions about sleep training, crying it out, etc. But for me, I HAD to sleep train. My boys were never going to do that on their own. I did a version of cry it out with both of my kids at the 3.5 month mark. Most doctors and books recommend 4 months but they both showed me that they could do long stretches at night at three months. I’m currently in the process of writing a full sleep training post and will include the notes I took during that time. They are really detailed and provide an inside look at my experience. So more to come!
Alix: Yes, we did sleep train Quinn at 4 months. Our pediatrician totally supported and even encouraged it at her 4 month wellness visit. We used the extinction method from this book that was highly recommended by friends and our pediatrician. We moved to Seattle 2 weeks after starting it, so we had to re-sleep train her in her new home/room. It’s all sort of a blur to be honest!
6. Have you ever tried Beauty Counter and if so, what was your experience?
Heather: I just placed my first order with BC and so far, I do like it and it smells amazing. It’s just too soon to tell if I am seeing results. Here’s my deal with skincare – I believe it should be fun and creative and I don’t like to stick to one brand or line. I enjoy changing it up and trying new things. A trusted esthetician once told me that skincare is meant to be fun so that’s my take on it. With that being said, BC is an all natural line so I am always willing to reduce the number of chemicals in and around my body. So I will definitely let you know how I like it!
Alix: Yes! I started using their BC a while ago when I was introduced to it by some girlfriends in San Francisco. I loved their approach to skin care and that they only use natural and safe ingredients. It is an investment, but I’ve had great success with BC and trust their products. I love their sunscreens too- especially for Quinn! BC also provides consumers with a lot of skincare education…check this out!
7. What is your favorite place to grocery shop?
Heather: Lucky for me, I am surrounded by some damn good, quality grocery stores in my neighborhood. Bad news, they’re expensive as hell. If you live in Seattle, you know that Met Market is the dream for produce but ouch, it hits that wallet hard. So I really only shop there for a few specialty items. I hit up Target like 2x a week (who’s with me?) so I tend to get most of my groceries there and I have found that their cereal is the cheapest. Trader Joe’s is my other go-to if I can’t make it to Target. And lastly, Whole Paycheck Foods is a favorite for more high quality, specialty items that I can’t find at TJ’s or Target.
Alix: I just love Whole Foods (all the heart eyes)…it’s like Disneyland for a Dietitian! Sadly, Whole Paycheck (I’m not even going to cross it out because it is true!) is not realistic on a weekly basis, but I do get my speciality items there. I typically go to Trader Joe’s and Costco for most of our other needs. We also use Sun Basket about once a month to mix in new dinner recipes.
8. What’s your rule of thumb for dressing your kids in the cold Seattle weather?
Heather: This is such a good question because to be totally honest, I really struggle with it! I have to just pack on the layers because our weather is so unpredictable. My 2.5 year old is usually in athleisure type pants from Hurley/Nike, a long sleeve shirt and a rain jacket. I invested in quality rain jackets for both of my boys because they literally wear them all year round. I got them at during the Nordstrom anniversary sale so they were somewhat reasonable and I got those POINTS, girl! Both of my boys have this jacket and I love them because not only are they reversible (two jackets in one, hey hey!) but you get the water resistant material and the fleece material for wet and dry days.
Alix: This is our second winter in Seattle, so I feel like I’m kind of getting the hang of it. Last winter I’m pretty sure I completely over dressed Quinn in Gap snow suits (think fat guy in a little coat…) everyday because coming from California it was COLD!!! This winter we’ve toned it down a bit ha! It is all about layers. I got her a pair of Hunter rain boots and a few long sleeved thermals from Old Navy like this. She has a few great Patagonia jackets and I had to get her a beanie (similar one here) from Zara. To be honest we also just find a lot of indoor activities to do during the winter months.
9. What’s your favorite bra for running – for both big and small bust?
Heather: Well I can answer for the bigger-busted girls. It took me a long time to find a solid sports bra for running. And when I say running, I really mean cardio in general because I am by no means a “runner.” The sports bra that gives me the most support is this Tata Tamer from Lululemon. However, this Zella one looks like it would give good support because it’s a higher cut. I’m still on the hunt for the perfect sports bra and feel like I’ve gone through so many so I am open to suggestions.
Alix: I can speak for the small busted girls out there! But first I’d like to second the Tata Tamer from lulu. I got 2 of those when my tatas got huge during pregnancy and that bra gave me great support! Sad that it doesn’t really fit anymore. This is my favorite bra and I have it in a few different colors. I’ve also been eyeing this bra, but it would probably be more realistic for yoga or barre. BONUS it’s on sale, so I might have to pull the trigger this weekend after a glass of champs!
hey everyone,
it’s so nice to read you all talking about different topics. i am sad i did not know about this happy hour thing, but i’ll try to join you next time.
i just wanted to add something about grocery shopping. i lived in seattle for few months last year, and was just across the street from a whole food so you can imagine (bankruptcy lol). Then we tried other stores including online grocery shopping from amazon fresh. Well, it’s really greaaaaat ! especially when you don’t have time to go out (or you just don’t want to!). You can choose the time of delivery or ask them to drop the bags at your door. a lot of items come in insulated bags and the best about amazon fresh is that it keeps you away from supermarkets’ temptation so -bonus – you end up spending less as you only buy what you need yaaay.