Alix: I saw on Instastories that you didn’t have an egg to add to one of your recipes so you “made your own egg.” What does that even mean!? I was fascinated!
Ha yes! For those of you who didn’t see on stories I explained how to make a flax egg. If you’re vegan this is a great sub for an egg or if you’re like me and assume you have eggs at home then realize you don’t and do not have time to get to the store this is a great hack!
I combined 1 TBSP ground flax with 3 TBSP water in a small bowl…mix mix mix then let it stand for about 5 minutes. Voila! You have one egg.
What are some easy and healthy sandwich ideas? I need to be able to just grab it and eat!
Making a sandwich too ahead of time is tricky because you don’t want it to get soggy from the condiments. So having everything already pre washed and sliced (lettuce, tomato, onion, etc) will make the process of making a sandwich so much easier. Maybe try those Trader Joe’s on the go guacamole packages for an easy spread or pesto. Have pre cooked and shredded chicken or turkey for a protein. Or you can make a batch of tuna, chicken, or egg salad (use avocado oil mayo, greek yogurt, or smashed avocado instead of regular mayo to increase the nutritional value) and eat with crackers or throw in a lettuce wrap.
I also like the idea of having a batch of wraps/breakfast burritos like this you keep in the freezer and can easily microwave for a quick protein packed lunch. I plan to make a batch of these for the new year to help my breakfast and lunch game as well.
Heather: I’m 35 weeks pregnant with my first and have spent way too much time researching nursing bras. There are so many! What is your favorite nursing bra for everyday lounging and also something a little more sturdy for going out? Also, what type of pajamas should I bring to the hospital?
For everyday lounging around the house or running errands, I always wear the Cake maternity bra.. I can’t find it at Nordstrom right now but check your local store or you can buy it here.. it’s so comfortable and always been my favorite. However, I also have this one and this one that I alternate in and out for everyday wear.
As for a REAL nursing bra, I think this one is the best but make sure you get sized before you purchase (and don’t buy it before you have the baby since your milk hasn’t come in yet and sizing will be off).
Lastly, my suggestion for hospital pajamas would be a shirt like this or this. Get a dark color (lots of bodily fluid situations happening) and something that buttons all the way down. You more than likely will not be wearing any sort of pants or shorts in the hospital because the nurses are going to be all up in your grill after you give birth… like every hour on the hour. No use in wearing anything down there lol.
If you were in a fantasy football league and just won the $500 prize, what would you buy? GO!
Oh man, the possibilities!!! If it were me (Heather), I’d probably get a big ticket item and put it toward an investment piece like a new goose down jacket, designer wallet, or designer boots. But if you only want to spend $500 and nothing more, I’d buy a bunch of athleisure-wear because that’s what I’m in every day. Lusting after these leggings, this pullover and these shoes. Lastly, you could spend it on your self-care routine: facials, massages, a day at the spa… do you!
What are your favorite running shoes for long distance?
I (Alix) wore these while training and running my half marathon and they worked well for me. I also went to a local running store and got custom insoles which was a game changer in my long runs. They were $$ but you can put them in whatever shoes you want for extra support and fit my feet perfectly.
I might try these shoes next…they get great reviews. Asics and Brooks are some of my other favorite brands for a good running shoe. If you’re new to running and not sure what shoe/brand is best for you I would recommend going into a local running store and they will be able to watch you run and fit you for the best shoe for you!
What are the health benefits of drinking wine?
Wine, especially red wine, is definitely touted for it’s potential health benefits. Obviously, there can serious side effects for over doing any type of alcohol and it’s not recommend to start drink for health benefits if you’re not a drinker.
But, I do love a nice glass of red in the winter, so I’m linking an article that I feel does a good job of highlighting the potential health benefits. Cheers 😉
SOS! I need a last minute outfit for NYE.. HELP!
Girl.. you gotta go glitter, sequins, velvet, metallic.. all of the above?! Inspo ideas here:
Heather: How is Parker sleeping and do you have any tips for a first time mom?
Honestly, it may be because he’s my third or because I am just much more relaxed this time around (prob a combo of the two) but he’s been my easiest and sleepiest baby by far and I haven’t had to do much to get him to sleep. I moved him to the DockATot in his crib after two weeks (from the Rock n Play in our room) because no one was getting any sleep.. he is just a noisy little newborn and I can hear a pin drop when I sleep so it was time to kick him out.
I put him in a light Carter’s onesie at night with this swaddle, nurse him until he’s practically asleep and put him in his crib with the sound machine on. He will typically fall right to sleep but if he doesn’t and starts to fuss, I let him. I’ll let him fuss for 5 minutes before intervening because he will more than likely always fall asleep on his own. If not, I’ll nurse him a little more and get him really full and then it’s lights out.
I put him to bed every night between 7:30-8:30, dream feed him around 11 when he’s fast asleep and then he’s typically up around 3 am and up for the day around 7 am. So we’re getting good 4 hour stretches.. sometimes longer depending on how his day naps go. During the day, he sleeps in his car seat when we’re running errands and then takes a marathon nap in his room from 2-5 pm every day. So he’s on his own little routine right now and at about 8 weeks, I’ll start sleep training. Meaning, I’ll put him down closer to 6 pm, nurse him once in the middle of the night (around 2 am) and get him up for the day between 6:30 and 7 am. At 4 months old, I’ll cut the middle of the night feeding altogether. More about how I sleep train here.
Thanks for all of your questions this week! Send us more at champagnetheory@gmail.com. Enjoy your long holiday weekend 🙂
Just bought the nursing bras and checking out the sleep training post now! Thanks for the help!