Heather- tell us what you delicious red wines you drink! Favorite budget bottle? Favorite splurge?
My husband typically does the shopping for our wines but there are a few that we go back to time and time again. My favorite right now is by Mark Ryan called The Chief, which is about $22 a bottle. My girlfriends and I are obsessed and order it all the time when we are out. Justin Cab Sauv is another great everyday wine but their Isosceles is a splurge for sure. Another local wine we love for special occasions is DeLille Cellars and their D2 blend. These are the ones we typically have on repeat. If you want some more suggestions, go to Somewhere, Lately’s Instagram page and check out their Wines under $30 highlights page.. we get a lot of inspo from those girls.
What are some gift ideas for my gf/hairdresser that is pregnant for the first time? Something for her ideally.
Love the idea of getting something for her! I like getting new mamas a gift card to Daily Harvest, so they can order a box of smoothies for quick and nutritious snacks. Other ideas are this robe, these slippers, a cozy blanket, new yoga pants, snack subscription, and definitely this book haha!
You can also do a cute “pamper pack” with face masks, lip balm, snacks, gum, socks, bath bombs, nail polish, Starbucks gift card, wine, etc.
What stroller/carseat system do you recommend for a first time mom?
Heather here and I think I’ve tried most strollers on the market through the years. The one that I would buy again and again is the Uppababy Vista with Mesa carseat. It’s an investment but worth it because it grows with your family.
Alix here…we also went with the Uppababy line, but got the Cruz stroller which was great and loved loved loved the Mesa car seat.
What’s the best way to treat under eye circles from lack of sleep (cough cough, that newborn life)?
Vitamin K helps with blood coagulation and circulation. Since both damaged skin and poor circulation can increase the appearance of dark circles, eating foods like broccoli, carrots, cabbage, spinach and strawberries can lighten the circles under your eyes. As for product, I’ve heard good things about Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Eye. I’ve also wanted to try these under eye patches for cooling and brightening.
Have either of you tried the Laneige regular sleeping mask.. not the one for lips?
So we both LOVE the lip sleep masks…use every night! So I (Alix) was picking up a few things at Sephora last weekend and decided to buy the sleeping face mask as well. I’ve only had a chance to use it once (they rec. using 2 x week) and I liked it! It’s too soon to give a complete review, so I’ll follow up with you guys once I try it for a longer period of time.
What wireless headphones do you each use for working out?
Heather uses the Powerbeats wireless earbuds.
This is a sore subject for Alix…I use used Apple AirPods but one fell out of my ear while on the stair stepper at the gym. Supposedly they opened up the machine and couldn’t find it so I need to buy a new one- ugh! I like them, but the fact that they can easily fall out (I was taking off my sweatshirt) and get lost is definitely a down side to them. They stay in really well when I sweat and workout though!
What juicers do you both have for making your weekly celery juice?
Heather has the Cuisinart electric juicer and received it as a wedding gift 6 years ago.. and it’s still going strong. It’s kind of a bitch to clean every time but because I do it a couple times a week, it doesn’t really phase me anymore. I’d definitely buy it again!
Alix has a Breville similar to this one. We also received it as a wedding gift almost 5 years ago. I like it, but if I was in the market for a new juicer I’d love to splurge on a slow juicer because it preserves more nutrients in the juicing process. One can dream 😉
Heather: what recommendations did you receive for getting a baby to stop refusing the bottle?
Thank you to everyone who sent in their recommendations.. I quickly realized how common this issue is and I am not alone! I received a lot of advice and the one that came up again and again was to buy the Comotomo bottles. Now, my son took the Dr. Brown’s from the beginning without any issue and just recently starting refusing them so I knew it wasn’t the bottle that was making him fussy. He just preferred the boob like many babies do. However, if I could go back and do it again I might try the Comotomo since most people said their babies had no issue transitioning from boob to bottle with that one.
However, a pediatrician did say not to go out and buy all new bottles or nipple flows. The baby was just being stubborn and would eventually take the bottle if hungry enough. So, I stayed strong for three days straight and only offered the bottle. There was crying, sure, but he eventually gave in. People suggested having my husband be the one to offer the bottle but that didn’t work either. I could have left the building and he still wouldn’t take it. So, we just stuck with it and figured it back out together. And yes, I am still breastfeeding him and expressing milk into a bottle so this isn’t about switching to formula yet (which he does get from time to time). It’s just a practical need for when we are out and about or when my milk supply is low in the late afternoons. He has slowly come back around and will take the bottle again so we are over that hump and next up: sleep training. Woof.
Thanks for sending us your questions! More to come next week 🙂
Cheers to the weekend, H&A