Where do you get the collagen water and creamer you shared on stories?
I ordered a 4 pack of the collagen water from the Vital Proteins website and just got the Original flavor to test out. I really liked and was perfect after a workout. I’ve tried their beauty waters in the past and found them really clumpy when you mix them and honestly gross tasting. This water is MUCH better!
The creamer packet was a pick-up at Whole Foods. When trying new products like this I like to get an individual packet to try first before purchasing a whole container. I’d heard mixed reviews on the creamer and wanted to test it out for myself. I tried the vanilla creamer and was surprised by how much I liked it. No clumps and good taste. I’m not sure I’d use daily, but it would be a great option when traveling or for work.
Heather- where is your makeup organizer from that sits on your bathroom counter?
Warning: my makeup storage is expensive AF and I bought it back in the day when I had a salary #rip. It’s branded as the “celebrity” makeup organizer and it’s what the Kardashians have. Eye roll. It’s excessive, I KNOW. I will link it here and while I love it and I will have it forever, there are plenty on the market for WAY LESS. Like here or here. Check your local Home Goods or Container Store for organizers too!
What moisturizers are your favorite and which one would you buy over and over again?
Heather here.. I have tried a ton of different moisturizers and I like a few that I would come back to again and again. First up: Drunk Elephant has a couple of effective/creamy/hydrating options. I use their Protini formula in the AM and their Lala Whipped moisturizer in the PM. My current moisturizer is by Kiehl’s and it’s just a tried and true product. Lastly, Tula has one that I used morning AND night and I loved the way it made my skin feel so I think I might buy that one next.
What is the mushroom hot chocolate you shared on stories? Does it taste like mushrooms and why do you drink it?!
We are both loving this Four Sigmatic hot cacao mix to help us chill during the day and esp this one with reishi at night. It’s also a great option at night if you have a little sweet tooth. It doesn’t taste like mushrooms (in our opinion) but it also doesn’t taste as rich and creamy as the hot chocolate you get at Starbucks. We like to add a little splash of milk in ours.
We drink it because it’s trendy…kidding… reishi is one of the most studied mushrooms on the block and is said to help with occasional stress and aid in restful sleep. We’ll drink to that!
I need a new pillow case…any recommendations?
The only pillow cases we will EVER recommend would be a silk pillow case so you protect your skin and hair. You can read about the hype and benefits here. Our recs: this or this budget friendly version.
My son turns 2 in 10 days and I want to throw a birthday party. Any tips and advice for a cute party without tiring this mama out?!
Being as I just threw both of my older boys birthday parties on the cheap at our house, I have some tips. I headed to the party store (Target would do, too) and picked up paper plates, napkins, decorations, party favors and balloons. I ordered pizza and salads, got juice boxes for the kids and set up all of the kids toys out and about so the little ones had easy access to the fun. If you have room for a little bounce house or trampoline, the kids go nuts for it. If you don’t, get dress up toys/outfits (swords and capes is what I got for the boys). If it’s warm enough where you live, buy bubble wands and let the kids go crazy. Honestly, a 2nd birthday party doesn’t need to be over the top and grand. The little things go a long way and hitting up the $1 section at Target was my best friend.
Alix- so envious of your Hawaii trip! Where do you stay when you go?
Awww thanks! We are having a blast. We are staying in a house that is part of the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel on the big island. It’s been perfect because we have a house with a pool but also have access to all of the hotel amenities. We have been using their beach, gym, and bar 😉 I definitely recommend going this route with kiddos because you get the best of both worlds…house and hotel.
Heather- how did you transition Parker from swaddle to arms out and is he sleep trained?
I have some practice in this department since I did it with my older boys when they were 3-4 months old. With Parker (who is just shy of 4 months old), I stopped swaddling him and decided to move him to the Merlin sleep suit about 2-3 weeks ago.. which was close to the 3 month mark. This is a great transitional swaddle since it’s weighted and keeps them from rolling but their arms are no longer tucked in tight. It took him about 1 nap to get used to it.. there were some tears but nothing crazy. Some people don’t love the Merlin because baby doesn’t have easy access to their hands for self soothing. But it worked for P.
However, now that he’s close to 4 months old, I decided it was time to rip the swaddle band-aid off and go full throttle sans swaddle. Last week, I switched him to the HALO sleep sack. I have the one that gives you the option to fully swaddle or keep their hands out but wrap the velcro part around their body so they have a snug sensation when they sleep.. like a swaddle would do. It took P one nap and one night sleep (of being up a LOT during the night) to get the idea that he had access to his hands. He woke himself up a bunch but since he could get his hands in his mouth and soothe himself, he would fall back asleep without intervention from me. And now, he goes down at 6 pm, wakes at 1 am like clockwork and goes back down until 6-6:30 am. Can I get an AMEN!?
I am officially out of the baby stage and don’t need to cart a huge tote around and really want a new designer crossbody. Which one should I get for under $2,000?
Jelly. I have a hot minute until I’m there again but these are the ones I’m crushing on:
Thanks for sending us your questions. Send us more at champagnetheory@gmail.com or via DM on Instagram!
xx, A&H