I am confused about when to wash my face in the morning if I know I am going to workout. Do you do your AM routine before or after a workout?
This is a great question because I wasn’t sure what to do in this case either. After listening to a Dr. Dennis Gross podcast, I learned that if you know you’re going to be working out during the day you shouldn’t be applying all of your serums, lotions and oils in the AM as they will 100% clog your pores when you sweat. Wait until after your workout to do your whole routine.
Some people need to wash their face in the morning and some don’t. Dr. Dennis recommends splashing room temperature water on your face in the morning and that’s it before working out. However, I feel the need for more and usually exfoliate with my Arcona scrub (it buffs/shines the skin after applying my PM routine the night before) in the morning before working out. But I don’t apply any lotions or oils until later in the day.
Heather- do your love your Janessa Leone hat and is it worth the price?
Toss up because there are SO many good hats out there. I have a couple of Janessa Leone hats and while I am obsessed with them and will own them forever, I have found just as good ones at Free People and Rag and Bone (still pricey but not as crazy). This is my favorite Janessa hat (for summer) but see this | this | this | this | this for just as good options.
How do you deal with older children drama and fighting between siblings?
I do NOT have the answer for you! LOOOOOOORD HAVE MERCY my children fight all the time and it’s really hard to keep them from pushing each other’s buttons and triggering one another. They are also just both so emotional at this age. They want to play with the same toys, I feel the need to buy 2 of everything (NOT THE ANSWER) and distracting them from wanting what the other person has. At the end of the day, I really try and encourage them to share and if there is only 1 toy, they each get 5 minutes and then the other gets a turn. Teaching the 2 year old this concept is a trip but consistency is key. Insert temper tantrum HERE.
They have their moments of playing SO well together and entertain each other while I get other things done, which is amazing, but they definitely bicker and fight. However, at the end of the day they are so obsessed with each other (Jackson won’t go to bed without giving Cam a hug and a kiss and Cam is monkey see/monkey do with J). But it’s hard work keeping them both happy for long periods of time before one of them is in tears. What’s it gonna be like when P is in the mix? Pray for me.
What were your favorite maternity pieces and must-haves during the third trimester?
I tried really hard not to buy many maternity pieces because I knew this was my last time being pregnant, Alix’s sister so generously passed her hand-me-downs to me and that stuff is expensive. So, for the first two trimesters I mostly just sized up and bargain shopped at ASOS, Target and H&M. I bought ONE pair of maternity jeans from Destination Maternity and one pair of nice Splendid leggings but otherwise, lived in my Align Lululemons. If I was pregnant again, I’d probably buy these leggings and buy all my tops at ASOS.
Heather: Thanks for your post about the beginner’s guide to skincare! I have some follow up questions: Do you use the Exfoliating cleansers 2-3 times a week in addition to the regular cleanser? Or in place of it? I don’t normally wash my face in the morning, so should I be adding that into my routine? Or can I skip it (since I do it at night) and go straight to step 3 in the AM? Eye cream – night only? daytime only? Both? (yes, I’m that clueless)
These are such great questions and remind me that not everyone spends their free time researching skin care like me and I need to get ultra-specific in my posts 🙂 So thank you! Here are my suggestions:
- Exfoliate in place your regular cleanser 2-3x a week and see how your skin reacts. I typically do this step in the shower.
- See question number 1 from this post. If you plan to workout, either rinse or wash your face and skip the serums/lotions/oils until after your workout. I wash my face in the morning but the least you should do is rinse it with water. After a workout, I come home and wash my face and do my whole AM routine with lotions/oils.
- There are eye creams meant to diminish dark circles from a long night so those can absolutely be used AM and PM but I typically use eye serums at night only just because I have limited time in the mornings.
What is the difference between the keto diet and a paleo diet? They seems like the same thing, no?
Similar for sure! I just read this article that was published this week which reviews and explains the top 6 diets and does a good job explaining the pros and cons to keto and paleo….give it a read.
I have the Isle of paradise drops and love it but they make my face break out! How did you like the spray version you tried in Hawaii?
I saw my aesthetician this week and she swears by Loving Tan and says it doesn’t break her face out, so this is in my cart 😉
The drops also made my face break out (I feel like everything makes me breakout though lol) but I love it for my body. I borrowed my friends spray version in Hawaii to touch up my spray tan and really liked it, but I think I like the drops better. I like adding a few drops into my body lotion 1-2 x week…I feel SO much better with a little tan!
What’s the difference between infrared sauna and a normal dry sauna?
An infrared sauna uses light to create heat while a traditional sauna uses heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body. An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you and uses a combination of heat and light therapy. The different color lights used are said to have different benefits.
I go to City Sweats in Seattle and found this fun fact on their website: “Our infrared saunas use heat and infrared light waves to heat the body deeply in order to release stored toxins more efficiently than traditional saunas. Up to 7 times more efficiently to be exact!”
Sweating and increasing your heart rate via exercise, steam, dry or infrared sauna all have health benefits though 😉
Alix- you’re adding spirulina to your smoothies and kombucha and I’m wondering what the health benefits are?
I’ve always been into spirulina and recently bought a big jar of it but sometimes forget about it in my refrigerator. I was reminded of how much I love it when I was in Hawaii and learned about how all the surfers use it to help with sun protection. Spirulina’s nutrient profile is on point and has a TON of health benefits: immunity, gut health, lowering blood sugars, heart protective, lowering cholestrol, mental health benefits due to amino acids, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and more.
Definitely can’t hurt to add a tsp to your smoothies or kombucha. FYI… it can get messy so be careful when using it so you don’t get green all over your clothes and kitchen.
Thanks for your questions this week! Send us more via DM or email us: champagnetheory@gmail.com.
xx, A&H