Alix: I know you cut out dairy and nuts (for now) to see if it’s contributing to your acne but can you give me your take on oat milk and how to read the label to ensure I am not choosing something with a bunch of added sugar?
Any dairy milk alternatives out there (not just oat) you have to read the label before buying or ask the barista to see the milk carton. I’m annoying AF at a coffee shop, but some baristas love chatting about it with you…and most just roll their eyes. BUT if I’m paying $6 for a latte I’d like to know exactly what I’m drinking mmmk. I wrote up a post here about the different non-dairy milks out there, but spoiler alert added sugar is the biggie to look for with oat milk. I’ve seen some as high as 14 grams of ADDED sugar. Eeek!
Other important things to note about oat milk: it’s the highest in carbs (14-24 carbs per serving) so it’s not Whole 30 or Paleo compliant if that’s your jam. People that are super anti grains due to gluten contamination and pesticides are not on board with this trend. It can also potentially be made with canola oil (inflammatory) so be aware of that for sure and check the ingredients!
We found this one at our local coffee shop and it has no added sugars which we love, but it’s made with sunflower oil…which is high in omega 6 fatty acids which we want to keep in check because #inflammation. I think it’s fine to drink every once in a while, but not something I’d recommend on the reg as a dairy alt milk.
What are your favorite flavors of Perfect bars? How about Rx bars?
Alix here and I’ve been a big Perfect Bar and Rx bar fan for a while now. Both contain nuts, so I’m avoiding at the moment and missing them like crazy. My fave flavors are the OG peanut butter and almond butter, dark chocolate chip peanut butter, and maple almond. I also like to chop them up and put on top of granola or yogurt.
Rx bars…I like the mint chocolate, maple sea salt, and chocolate sea salt (can sometimes be a little too chocolate-y for some though). I like their fruit flavored ones occasionally, but find them a little on the sweet side. I also keep my Rx bars in the fridge because I think they taste better cold.
I’m interested in hearing more about your childcare situation.. how often do you have babysitters and did you have trouble leaving your kids for the first time? Did you use an agency to find your sitter?
Heather here and I’ll answer for the both of us because our situations are similar. While our kids are in some sort of “school” type situation a few hours a week, we do supplement with sitters here and there. I am home with at least one child of mine every single day (whether that be 1 or all three of them) so yeah, I bring in reinforcements when needed 😉
We don’t have a consistent sitter situation but with that being said, we look at the week ahead and gauge what we’ll need. If my husband is traveling, he’s like YEAH get yourself a sitter for a few hours so you can get a workout in and go to the grocery store. AMEN. It’s all I need. It doesn’t take a lot to keep us happy.. give us a workout, a quick errand, maybe a facial if we’re feeling reaaaaaal RICH that day lol and home to the kids.
We have both used Care.com in the past and I have mixed reviews about it. I found our first nanny (when I went back to work after my first) through care.com and she was/is an angel. However, Alix and I found a different girl last summer and it was a disaster that we will not get into cuz #PTSD. So now, we only hire sitters through word of mouth from trusted moms in our tribe who have vetted these girls. And now we have a couple girls who we love, trust and even house sit for us when we go on vacation.
Leaving our kids was hard at first.. it always is! Especially with someone new. But we’ve been doing it consistently (since we don’t have family in Seattle) since they were young and now, there aren’t tears when we leave. I am sure Parker will cry as he gets older and knows we are leaving BUT because Jackson and Cam are there, I feel like it’ll be easier for him. Jackson is old enough to know that we ALWAYS come back.. so he’s like PEACE. Quinn is also great with a sitter… or when we team up for all of the kids together, they love it. They’re like BYEEEEEEEE smell ya later.
That was a long response lol but yes, we use the same couple of sitters from time to time to give us mini breaks so we can be better moms when we get home to the shit storm 😉
Can you remind me if you did a post on Thrive Market? If not, what do you typically order?
I didn’t, but I should! I do love Thrive Market but don’t use on the regular because I grocery shop a few times a week and find myself at stores that carry most of the products they sell and just buy on the spot. I’ve ordered the following items and would recommend them: Simple Mills crackers, muffin mix and pancake mix, Primal Kitchen dressings and condiments, Siete Foods chips, Bare Bones bone broth, Hu chocolate, Eating Evolved chocolate, Cocokind matcha stick, Neocell collagen powder, Jacksons Honest sweet potato chips, Sun Potion, love this toner, Jilz crackers, macadamia milk and MCT oil. Clearly a lot of random stuff, but typically a little cheaper ordering from Thrive. There have so much great stuff on there and I can get caught up and spend hours looking through it all.
My good friend just had her first baby and I know what a struggle it is to get good nutrition in. What would you suggest I send her?
The struggle is real.. you spend the day nursing, changing, rocking, swaying and before you know it it’s 1 pm and you haven’t had breakfast. She needs quick and easy. Send her a gift card to Daily Harvest so she can whip a smoothie or bowl/soup out of the freezer and get her fruits and veggies in! Or send an Edible Arrangement.. legit lived off that basket for a week after Jackson was born. Get the one with chocolate, alright? No one wants the non-chocolate melon. Gross. You could also set up a meal train with friends if you’re local and drop food on her porch.. this was a lifesaver for me after Parker was born. Little fairies dropping hot food on my porch.. I cried every time I saw a meal. And then scarfed it in seconds because oops I hadn’t eaten all day… eff!
Best summer snacks for kiddos?
Berries are in season yay! Fruit and vegetables always makes a great snack and choosing fresh fruit that is in season is a great option. Taking your kids to the farmers market or growing a garden in your yard is a great way to get them excited, involved and hopefully eating more of these foods. Pair it with a protein like some cheese, yogurt, hummus, or nut butter for a well balanced snack.
Have you found any bathing suits at Target that you both love? They have so many but weary of the quality.
Yes!! We have the following suits from Target and LOVE them:
Can you link the matching sunnies you and Alix got this past weekend?
Yes! Cute right? So cheap and they look like Ray-Bans. Here you go.
Are jean skirts “in” again? I am getting emails from Abercrombie and I think I need one!
Ugh ok.. jean skirts. Yes, they are in again but we just don’t see ourselves rocking one chasing after kids. Remember having to wear bike shorts underneath them?! We’d have to do that again with all the bending down we do lol. Which, by the way, bike shorts are ALSO back! Who woulda thunk it. Anyway, if you aren’t chasing after kids and can rock a jean skirt, here are some cute ones: one | two | three
I am going to a church/yacht club wedding in May in Newport Beach. Struggling with finding a dress…would love suggestions!
You’re in luck because I (Heather) actually got married in Newport Beach near the water in June so I have an idea what the weather will be like 😉 I’d go with something colorful and/or flowy if I were you. Since it’s a yacht club (and a wedding) you don’t want anything too revealing.. can you tell I am loving BRIGHT colors right now?
Thanks for your questions! Send us more at champagnetheory@gmail.com or DM us on insta!
xx, A&H