Heather- you posted about red light therapy in your last post with those red light bulbs for your bedroom. What are the benefits and how do you incorporate it into your daily life?
I became interested in red light therapy after listening to a Skinny Confidential Podcast with Ben Greenfield who is an expert in health and wellness. I won’t go into detail on that but that’s where I first heard of it. There are a number of forms of red light therapy but I decided to start with red lightbulbs in my bedroom as they promote relaxation and help lower cortisol levels (and it’s cheaper than other forms of red light therapy!). It also looks cool lol. When I turn the lights on in the morning, I don’t want that immediate blue light shocking my system, so the red light is much calmer. I think it’s more beneficial at night when you’re trying to slow down your brain and get ready for bed. Blue light is just so jarring, you know?! However, if you read in bed or need actual light, then red lightbulbs will not help in that scenario. The mood is very dark and calm with red lights and you wouldn’t be able to read a book with it on. If you want a full in depth blog post on red light therapy, read Lauryn’s here.
I am looking for some educational toys for my toddler son that aren’t just cars or LEGOs. Where do you shop for your kids?
Fat Brain Toys is my favorite place to shop for educational toys and the site does a great job of sorting items by age group for easy shopping! That is also where I purchase most gifts for birthdays. The personalized Name Puzzle is one of my go-to’s and all three of my boys have one for their rooms 🙂
Now that some of us are stocking up on canned foods, what are the healthiest items I should be buying? Beans, soups, etc? What should I avoid?
For sure…people are avoiding the daily/weekly grocery store runs right now and stocking up on non perishable goods. Watching all of those chopped kitchen episodes might pay off 😉 With canned and packaged foods you want to be mindful of sodium content and try to buy “low sodium” canned goods. With beans and canned veggies you want to rinse with water before consuming. Try to continue to make balanced choices…check the protein, fat, carbs content (you want a balance of all 3 macronutrients) so you feel satisfied and get the nutrients you need. Also maybe try and pair a canned/frozen entree with a fresh vegetable side.
Alix are you liking the Body Love Everyday Cookbook? What are you favorite recipes from her book?
Love it! I’ve been really diving into it this week and trying more recipes from the book. I like her recipes because they are relatively simple and super healthy. My favorites so far: buffalo chicken lettuce wraps, matcha chia seed pudding, ground beed tostada salad, chlorophyll mint fab four smoothie, and I love the spa waters. I’m making the garlic salmon and brussles sprouts this week too! If you’re feeling like you need some new recipes to try during this quarantine time I recommend this book!
I’m doing more at home workouts now and need more equipment. Can you link you favorite workout/most versatile at home workout equipment?
We are both loving the Peloton and SWEAT app and they both have a lot of workouts that require none or minimal equipment which is nice. So if you don’t feel like spending $$ on gear check out those app. The equipment I’m using most right now is my yoga mat, dumbbells (5lbs and 10lbs), kettlebell, resistance bands, yoga block, and foam roller.
What essential oils do you diffuse when you’re at home? Does brand matter?
I am not a brand snob when it comes to essential oils.. like if I see a lavender oil at my local Home Goods, I’ll grab it. Lavender is lavender in my opinion; although, I could be wrong haha! But I don’t buy ONE brand over another. My favorite oil to diffuse in the morning is Tangerine because the citrus wakes up the senses and brightens the mood in my kitchen. Any citrus would do.. lemon, tangerine, orange. Tangerine is just the one I’m gravitating toward right now. I have this diffuser in my kitchen and this diffuser by my bedside. I diffuse lavender at night when I’m reading to promote healthy sleep habits and help shut my brain off. Some other oils I like are eucalyptus, Frankincense and Peppermint, which have healing properties when you’re feeling sick.
Can you link the Joy Lab sweater you both have? I think it’s crew neck with slits on the sides?
Both Alix and I both love this sweatshirt and it’s super soft. But warning: wash it on gentle and air dry.. otherwise it will pill.
Do you have some filling lunch ideas while at home? The struggle is real!
I’ve been doing a lot of leftovers for lunch while stuck at home. I also like Daily Harvest smoothies or soups for lunch. I wrote a post about my favorite DH picks and I also wrote a post with easy breakfast and lunch ideas. I like doing egg or tuna salad with these crackers and pair with cut up fresh veggies.
Thanks for your questions and support this week! We feel a sense of community stronger than ever before <3
xx, A&H
Hey ladies,
Can you relink the diffuser you use? The current link takes me to a kids puzzle 🙂
Oopsies! Doing it now!