Alix- what do you use yoga toes for? Does it hurt?
I love my yoga toes! I try and wear them at night while reading my book. I’ve worked my way up to wear them for about 20-30 minutes and the stretch feels so good! These are meant for people suffering from bunions, hammer toes, plantar fasciitis, or chronic foot pain. I don’t have any of those problems but it does help stretch my toes, makes my feet look prettier, and I think it helps with my knee pain.
Can you link some “save” biker short options.
Here are some cute and affordable bike short options:
Have you found any kids masks that your kids will actually wear and fit them?
Yes! Quinn wear these masks and they fit her little face well!
Jackson and Cam wear these without complaint and they fit, too!
Is there anything left in stock at the #NSale and if so, anything worth snagging before it’s over?
Here are some items still in stock that are great staples:
I need some cute but inexpensive home decor baskets to hold blankets and toys, etc. Can you link some you like?
Yes, the “catch all” basket.. we know it all too well! This one from Target is perfect and this version is a bit taller if you need the extra storage. Also hit up Home Goods if you have one nearby. That’s where we got a lot of home decor pieces!
Can you link your name necklace and your kid’s initial necklace again please?!
I have my name on this necklace and then my kids initials on this necklace, which is the perfect “push present” or Mother’s Day gift.
I need a new pair of blue light blocking glasses. Which ones do you use or recommend?
I have these ones by the Book Club and think they look cute on every face shape! These ones look like my prescription glasses; I love the two tone style. Lastly, Free People has some really cute options.
Alix- what is one health trend you wish would go away forever?!
So many to pick from, but probably drinking activated charcoal. People still think ingesting charcoal to “detox” is a good idea and companies continue to take advantage and sell it. Charcoal cannot identify what’s good vs. bad internally and will strip good nutrients from the body as well as so called “toxins”. We have a liver that does a fantastic job of detoxifying so let’s just let it do it’s job and stay away from the charcoal bevvies.
If you want to take something to help speed up the elimination of toxins I like dandelion bitters. I’ll take a few drops of this in water after a night of drinking or if I’m feeling bloated. This blend is also awesome.
Thanks for your questions this week! Send us more at Champagnetheory@gmail.com.
xx, H