If you’re looking for every pair of jeans, jacket, basic long sleeve, pair of boots and sunglasses, you’ve come to the wrong place. I won’t be sharing every single item from the #Nsale like a lot of others out there who insist how #perfect every item is and how much you need it. This is just a sale.. not the end of the world and no, you don’t need every basic tee from Nordstrom just because it’s on sale. Yes, items will sell out but guess what?! So much gets restocked and SO MUCH gets returned because these bloggers go out and buy everything, promote it, and then return it. Harsh truths. Hard facts.
I went through and picked out the exact items I would purchase. Obviously, I can’t purchase every single item because #helpmeI’mpoor but they are still on my wish list. I also haven’t shared on here things I already have from years past but will try to do more of that on Instastories and LiketoKnowit.
Ok.. the things I love this year:
What are you hoping to snag this year?
xx, H