Sundays are typically my reset days.. when I have the time and energy to really focus on my environment around me and prep for a productive week ahead. I know I have written about my reset day rituals in the past but felt like doing a little refresher in hopes it helps motivate you to take control of your space, time and energy too this week. Nothing I love more than having a clear head as I conquer a Monday and the busy week ahead. Here’s everything I do to set myself for success:
Wash sheets and pillows.. linking all my bedding and how I make it feel like a hotel bed here
Clear out all laundry baskets and make sure all the boys school uniforms are clean for the coming week
Drink two 40 oz water bottles (these are my current favorite)
Clean out at least two drawers in the house whether that be in the kitchen or bathrooms
Full skincare routine (which I do every day but really take it the extra step on reset days with masks and eye patches)
Organize closets / Goodwill anything no longer serving me.. I do this bi-weekly because between 5 of us, we accumulate too much sh*t and the boys grow out of stuff like weeds
Clean out fridge/pantry
Grocery shop / meal plan (I try and follow a lot of Alix’s ideas she writes about like here)
Long walk + sauna or hot tub (we did a full sauna Q&A last year)
Plan for the coming week and organize the calendar. My husband travels a ton for work and the boys have extremely busy schedules between school and sports so we sit down on Sundays and really plan it out how we can divide and conquer and who I need to reach out to (mom tribeeeee) for help if he’s traveling.
Put my kitchen to bed.. all dishes are put away, lights turned off, pillows fluffed and entire area vacuumed
Read and go to bed early.. I wrote all about my bedtime routine here