My birthday is this Saturday and I’m honestly going into it pretty bummed out. March and April babies are really getting the short end of the stick this year. My ideal day celebrating starts with a kick ass workout (last year I took a Barry’s class) followed by bomb breakfast (think fancy avocado toast + green smoothie) and a spa day with my girlfriends. The day would end with drinks and dinner out with my husband.
Obviously NONE of that can happen this year and while I’m not here to throw a pity party for myself (I’ll save that for Saturday) I’m feeling down this year. I jokingly told my husband I’d like to lock myself in our room for the day, watch movies all day in my bathrobe, text when I need food or drinks, and veg out solo for the day.
Friends and family keep asking me what I want for my birthday and my honest answer is nothing but the ability to go to a bar and drink champagne with my friends. It makes you really think about how we took such simple things for granted pre-quarantine life.
I’m trying really hard to stay positive throughout all of this and I go through waves of feeling OK about all of this and then an hour later I’m super bummed out. I just read this article and it was helpful in articulating my feelings about what is going on right now. I’m experiencing grief of normalcy. I might know this is temporary, but it doesn’t exactly feel that way. It doesn’t feel temporary because I can’t see a light at the end of tunnel…because no one can say when things will go back to normal. Things will probably never be exactly the same, but I’m hopeful I will be drinking champagne with my friends next year and promise not to take that simple luxury for granted.
For my birthday this year I’ve planned to do a Peloton ride with my friend from Chicago, and if the weather is nice we will take the boat out then have my husband make me crab cakes while I drink champagne 😉
If I’m being honest, I always have my eye on a few things and this is what is on my birthday wishlist this year. (click on picture for link)
xx, A
I feel you girl! I had my birthday last week and it was hard not to go out and celebrate but just think of the epic party you can have after all this is over! Also, you’ll be surprised at how many people you hear from via phone/text/facetime reaching out to wish you a Happy Bday. Sending love and champs your way!
I had my birthday a couple weeks ago and was feeling the same exact way. Last year I was preggo and at a wedding so promised myself this year, I would kick it up a notch. SO was really looking forward to it until dun dun dun — COVID 19. We ended up doing our best to make the most of it and I ended up having a great day. My two cents, plan a delicious meal, have LOTS of drinks on hand, plan an indoor activity you will look forward too and get a Zoom Hangout with your gal pals going. One thing that happened this year that I didnt expect was I ended up talking live to a lot of girlfriends who are on other coasts, cities or zip codes that if it werent for ConornaVirus, we may have just had a quick text — that was for sure a big silver lining. Hope your day still ends up being great!!