“There just isn’t enough time in the day”…well it’s time to make time! Of course, there are some days you can’t get it all done. For me, being a morning person means I feel more productive and energized throughout the day.
If you know me IRL you know I’ve always been a morning person. Even pre Quinn I was taking the 6am (or earlier) workout classes before work and I even remember setting my alarm early in high school to run before school. It’s just always been something I have always enjoyed doing and I’m a firm believer it is the key to a productive day and healthy routine.
Sleeping in is no longer a luxury I can indulge in on the weekends, but that’s ok. I feel like I get so much more accomplished if I tackle my to-do list first thing in the morning. Even in college I was the type of person who couldn’t study past 10:00pm and I would wake up super early to finish up in the morning.
I’ve been able to turn a few of my girlfriends into morning workout people and they always thank me for making them get up and get going first thing in the morning. There is definitely a strategy if you’re not naturally a morning person, so I’m sharing some tips to help you transition into becoming a morning person.
Tip #1 Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep
If you’re wanting to start shifting your schedule forward I would recommend to start by getting to bed a little earlier every night, so you’re not skimping on precious sleep. In the past I have found it helpful to set a phone alarm to remind me to start getting ready for bed to ensure I was getting 7-9 hours of sleep. Figure out how many hours of sleep you need to function at your best (everyone’s number is different) and decide what time you need to be in bed to make that number happen.
So let’s say you’re wanting to be up at 5:30am to make a 6:00am workout class before work, but you don’t typically go to bed until 11pm or later. Chances are you’re going to be hitting the snooze button and missing that class. Even if you are able to get up chances are you’re going to feel miserable the rest of the day and this will not become a regular routine.
Waking up earlier should not mean getting less sleep. Set yourself up for success by starting to wind down between 8-9pm and develop a sleep hygiene routine to help ensure a good nights rest.

Tip # 2 Develop a Morning Routine
Once your alarm goes off…have a routine to help you get your day started. If you’re headed to a workout first thing have your gym clothes laid out, water bottle full, and bag packed to make the process of getting out the door seamless.
If you’re wanting to be up earlier to have some quit time before the rest of the house wakes up or to get some emails/work done have a plan. For example, I like to drink water and do my morning skincare routine, then get dressed (I like to have my clothes already laid out if possible), make a cup of coffee and look over my schedule for the day. Then once Quinn is up her and I have a morning routine we do before we need to get out the door.
Having a routine helps you stay on track, feel productive, and less likely to forget something (like your kid’s lunch, your gym towel, or your brushing your teeth).

Tip # 3 Have Something to Look Forward to
For me the biggest motivator to get my butt out of bed is to have a workout class I am signed up for (and will get charged if I don’t show up) or meeting a friend for a workout.
On days I’m not waking up early to workout I still set my alarm early and follow my morning routine (see tip #2) and I look forward to making a yummy cup of coffee. I love having some quiet time to drink my coffee (fingers crossed Quinn isn’t up yet) and watch the morning news. Once she’s up I look forward to making us a yummy breakfast.
The night before try and think of something you’re excited about for the next day. Coffee, food, and a workout are my motivators but maybe yours is having a cozy robe and slippers waiting for you to get into, a morning meditation, or a new outfit you’re going to wear. Make a list before bed of 2-3 things that you’re excited about doing the next day.
Tip #4 Stay Consistent
Consistency is key. Ideally, you’re going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday. Even weekends and even when you don’t have any place to necessarily be. Teach your body what it can expect from you.
I’m sure all you parents out there have some sort of bedtime routine for your kiddos and they go to bed around the same time every night. Predicability feels comforting and safe for kids AND adults 😉

Tip #5 Set a Motivational Alarm
Many people recommend keeping your phone on the other side of the room at night, so when the alarm goes off you have to physically get up out of bed to turn it off. I have too much FOMO to be that far away from my phone, so for me setting a fun phone alarm is more motivational.
I have set motivational alarms like Britney Spears “Work B**ch”! My husband started to get a little annoyed with that one every morning, but I swear it pumped me up hearing Britney at 5am…try it!
Are you a morning person?
These are the tips and tricks that have worked for me, but I would love to hear from the other early birds out there… what helps you get out of bed in the morning?
Everyday when my toddler in (finally) down for the night I decide to go to bed early. but, everytime i feel that i need to live my life after my kid is asleep – either watch a movie, read few pages or just drink a cup of tea quitly…etc – and each time i go to bed late and regret it the next morning.
thanks for the tips. i’ll try to change 🙂