What I’ve noticed working in private practice and nutrition counseling over the years is that there seems to be client “themes”. For some reason I feel like I will have a handful of client with similar issues, and for the past few weeks a theme I’m noticing is complaints of GI symptoms. This can range from gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Many clients try to figure it out on their own and cut out certain foods, cleanses, diets ect. with no improvement and others have been suffering for years. Some have even had a work up with a gastroenterologist and leave with nothing more than an IBS diagnosis and no nutritional guidance. It’s super frustrating to have these symptoms and no idea where to start in trying to find relief.
With these clients I often provide a lot of education on gut health and encourage clients to really work towards improving the quality and variety of their diet in order to improve their gut health in hopes that this can provide them with some symptom relief.
Here are 3 things you can do to diversify your diet to improve your gut health:
Ideally you’re eating at least 30 different plant-based foods on your plate every week. This is one the best ways to nourish gut microbes and keep them happy! Fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and herbs all count towards your goal of 30 plant-based foods. We all get in food ruts where we eat the same foods and make the same recipes. I’m a creature of habit too, but I encourage you to get outside of your comfort zone, make swaps, and try new foods. A goal I often encourage clients to aim for is to have at least 2-3 bright colors on their plate per meal.
An interesting experiment might be to keep a food journal for a week and highlight all the different plant-based foods you consumed throughout the week. See where you’re at and make a goal to add/swap and diversify your diet for better gut health!
With so many trendy diets on the market these days it can sound very convincing to cut certain food groups out of your diet in the name of health. However, I see so many client missing out key nutrients because their diet is so limited. Diversity is key for good gut health, so my goal is help clients add MORE to their plate (not less).
Fiber feeds your gut microbes…and a happy gut means a happy body as good gut health impacts almost every organ like your brain, skin, and heart. Most guidelines recommend aiming for 25-30 grams (more for men) of fiber a day and most of us likely aren’t getting that. By limiting processed food items and adding in more whole foods, it can actually be pretty easy to get at least 25 grams a day. However, with so many people focusing on protein these days, I often see plates that omit fruit, veggies, and whole grains.
25-30 grams of protein looks like: 2 pieces of fruit, 5 servings of veg, 3 servings of whole grains, and 1-2 servings of nuts/seeds/legumes a day. Also there is no need to stop at 30 grams and some studies show benefits to getting more. If you’re not getting the daily recommendations, I encourage you to slowly increase your fiber intake and drink plenty of water to minimize any unwanted GI symptoms 😉
Here’s to a happy and healthy gut!
xx, A