Alix always makes fun of me because whenever we’re talking, I’m usually in bed or my ”happy place” as she calls it. It’s where I do my best thinking, ok? But also, I have turned my bed into a sanctuary.. it’s just so dang comfy! Whenever I would go shopping and pop into Pottery Barn, I would study their bedding. How do they make their model beds/bedding look SOOOOO cozy?! It’s an art. They have designers come in and create those spaces specifically for people like me who will do anything and everything to make their bed look like theirs. Duh.. they’re selling you. But I am smarter than Pottery Barn 😉 I can create that bedding without the PB price tag (at least some of it). So here is a step by step guide how to layer and style your bed like the pros at PB:
I buy these sheets and these sheets only. I do not get any sort of commission for linking these. They are just my favorite. They’re a WA based company and all of the spas up here use them. They are buttery soft and it feels like sleeping on a velvet cloud. When I get into bed, it’s impossible not to say, “Ahh.” I buy white sheets because it’s easier to layer other colors and fabrics with a white baseline. This is personal preference, though. Cream would be pretty as well! But white is easier to clean because it can be bleached. Food for thought. Another preference is a top sheet or not. In the summer months, I put the top sheet on and remove some of my heavier layers (more on that next).
On top of your sheets/top sheet, I add a blanket. Not a throw blanket.. a blanket the size of your bed. It’s cold in WA and I keep our room very cold at night (proven for better sleep health) so this layer is not only critical for warmth but for adding texture and fluffiness to your bed. Right now, I have a really soft cream blanket just a shade off from my white sheets. I got mine at Home Goods but it’s identical to this one here. Now, this next step could be considered excessive but I have another blanket on top of this blanket because again, our room is cold (and I don’t alway love sleeping with the huge comforter on me). I added a waffle knit that typically goes at the base of the bed for fluff but in the cooler months, I moved it under the comforter. So on top of my cream fluffy blanket goes this waffle knit (again, adds texture and warmth). This waffle knit gets removed in the summer months and it just goes at the base of our bed for decor.
Down Insert + Duvet
Next comes your comforter that you want to cuddle up to in the middle of the night. This is where Pottery Barn finally comes in. I have this duvet in white that I place over my down insert from Nordstrom. Now, I think you could purchase any down insert you prefer and put the Pottery Barn duvet over it. I just love my Nordstrom one I purchased years ago because it maintains its ”fluff.” The duvet does get pretty wrinkly in the wash because it’s belgian flax linen but 1. I don’t care because it gets covered by other layers and 2. My house isn’t a pottery barn show room. Now let’s get to the next layer before you fall asleep at the thought of how comfortable this all is…
Comforter for Show
This layer is excessive, I get it. And you really don’t have to have this last piece because it’s literally only for show. My very top layer is a comforter that doesn’t get touched. It’s strictly for texture and fluff. But if you look at the PB beds in the show room, they typically have this additional layer at the top, peeled back to make it look like someone just rolled out of bed. It’s so genius. So on the very very final top of my bed, I purchased a down insert from Amazon (because again, it doesn’t have to be all fancy because it’s a show piece) and put this duvet over it. I peel it back to really add that fluff I’ve been talking about since 10 minutes ago when you started reading this post. You’re tired, aren’t you? Let me get to the pillows so we can end this.

I’ll make this as quick as possible, but the more pillows the better. I have two standard sleeping pillows on each side (with my Comphy sheets) and then my silk pillow only on my side. Next, two standard honeycomb pillows in white on top of the sleeping pillows. Decor only. Next, Target lounger pillows for max comfort in cream. Then comes three Euro size faux furballs to dive into. I got mine from Home Goods but PB has these that are identical but a bit more pricey. Etsy has these in a set of two! And LAST BUT NOT LEAST, a lumbar pillow with some texture or design to tie it all together (but keep it neutral if that’s what you’ve been working with the whole time). Again, mine is from Home Goods but here are some cute ones: one | two | three (love the oversize)

SHOP EVERYTHING LINKED ABOVE (minus the sheets, which are linked in the beginning):