With fall right around the corner and the kids heading back to school you may find yourself craving the routine this brings. Summer can be a busy time filled with all the things that can throw us off our usual routines. Think travel, late nights, kids home all day, eating out more, parties etc. While all of these things are fun, and what summer is all about, you may be craving a bit of a reset.
If you’re finding yourself wanting to start a new routine this fall to help you feel your best I’ll give you some ideas on how to get started. First of all let me remind you that routines are healthy! Just like how kids thrive with routine and consistency, so do most adults. Personally, I have a morning routine and an evening routine (as do my kids ;). The middle is just whatever the day throws at me, but I try my best to bookend my days with structure. I love structure and crave routine, so being consistent and intentional with how I start and end my day is key for me feeling my best.
Start with one week at a time and start small. I love writing things down when first getting started. This planner is simple and perfect. Consistency is key! Over time you will no longer need to write your routine/goals down as they will become a habit. According to my research it can take about 2 months for a new behavior to become a habit.
I would recommend starting by writing down what your ideal morning or evening consists of. Examples of what you’d like to accomplish in the morning: workout, supplements, certain wake time, AM skincare routine, specific breakfast, and other tasks you need to accomplish like make kids lunches, make the bed, feed the dog etc. Then figure out when you would need to wake up by to get these things done. I would also encourage you to only pick a few new habits to add to your routine. Trying to add on 5 new things at once and trying to wake up 2 hours before you usually isn’t going to last long. Most people don’t stick to new routines because they are too extreme or drastic from their current one. So start small and build on to your routines as you get into your groove.
Do this same process to create your ideal evening routine. For me, once the girls are down I start my PM routine. Cleaning up the kitchen and getting everything put away first is always a must. I can’t relax until everything is tidy and in it’s place. Then I usually walk the dog, stretch while watching a show, sauna/spa/shower/bath situation, take my evening supplements, skin care, read, etc. My girls are in bed relatively early (7-7:30pm) so I have some time to myself to unwind, prepare my body for sleep , and I can be in bed around 8:45-9pm with time to read before lights off at 9:30am. I’ve figured since my alarm goes off in the morning at 5:30am (which gives me enough time for my AM routine) that I need lights off by 9:30pm to get my ideal 7-8 hours of sleep.
Now lets talk about how you can set yourself up for success in your new routine. Being prepared is my #1 tip. Have your water bottle filled and ready to go first thing in the morning, have your workout clothes and a workout planned out the night before, have your supplements where you see them, have the foods you want to eat prepped and ready, etc. Make following your routine as seamless as a possible and limit potential barriers by being prepared and organized!
Over time, following your routine won’t be as challenging and become more like second nature. You’ll feel great which will hopefully motivated you to stay the course.
Drop one thing you want to add to your AM or PM routine in the comments section.
xx, A