Another summer come and gone.. can you believe it? It goes by faster and faster, especially as your kids get older and more independent. A new school year feels like a clean slate, especially as a parent. As we embark on a new school year, I felt the need to set some school year intentions for myself as a mom of three boys heading back into the classroom. I have one in pre-k, 1st grade and 3rd grade and the hustle of the school year is no damn joke. There is a reason why summer break is absolutely sacred; there’s no alarm clock or strict schedule, sports are solely played in the backyard, and nutrition is a word we’ve forgotten to use for three months. My boys head back to school in the next couple of weeks and the transition is always a little rocky for the entire family, but mostly for me.. because it falls on my shoulders to get these boys everywhere they need to go. So here’s how I want to approach the school year. One that is sure to be our busiest yet.
Slow the hell down. I tell myself this one every year. They aren’t getting any younger and the year is going to fly just like the last. Between two schools and all three of them in sports (different ones at that), I find myself constantly rushing. Fight or flight, always. My cortisol is through the roof because of it. Wanna know what happens when your cortisol is always elevated? Nothing good I can tell you that. My body is in survival mode come fall and it’s just not sustainable. She ain’t a spring chicken anymore and I must force myself to slow down. It all begins the second my eyes open in the morning and I am rushing through coffee to get into the gym to get them breakfast to get them out the door. Nope we aren’t doing that. If I don’t have to raise my voice before we leave the house then I HAVE SUCCEEDED ha. I know every mom feels this pain during the school week. So my goal is to make lunches the night before, have their backpacks lined up and ready to go, and meal prep some easy, nutritious breakfast items (think pancakes, waffles, egg muffins) that are quick. And if my workout has to wait until after drop off, it’s not the end of the world.
Ask for help. The school year is crammed with sports, back to school events, play dates, homework, and a million other social gatherings. It’s ok to ask for help from your spouse, a neighbor, a teammate and it took me far too long to realize that I can’t do it all WELL by myself. I need the help of others around me to keep everyone happy and on the right path and that doesn’t make me a shitty mom. Jackson has football 6 nights a week, Cam has soccer 3x a week, and Parker wants someone to build a train with him!! No way I could tackle it all solo so I ask for a lot of help from Britt and my friends. The invisible load of motherhood bears an incredible weight and taking even one task off my shoulders protects my peace and sanity.
Enduring self-care. Such a buzz word, right? But I don’t mean a bubble bath, a workout, a nail appt. Those are still basic human needs in my opinion. I need enduring self-care. Taking care of my body day in and day out for long term health. It’s getting 8 hours of sleep, cutting way back on alcohol (which I am currently on the path), upping my supplement game (thanks to Alix), and simply practicing gratitude and positivity. I want to be the healthiest I can be for my kids and remain present for them. Not mindlessly scrolling in the deep dark abyss of social media. So I guess this intention is really to remain focused on my health and well-being first and foremost before I can address all the needs of everyone else around me. I can’t be present for my family if I’m not feeling good within myself. And that is not selfish.. it’s actually quite literally the opposite.
How are you approaching this next season? Is it to yes more? Maybe it’s to say no more! Setting boundaries, goals, and intentions are so important for us and not everyday is going to be a success story. But we start somewhere.
Xo, Heather