How the heck is my baby almost a year old?! Well, she is not a little baby anymore…she is crawling fast everywhere, pulling up on everything she can, and as busy as can be. I have a feeling she will be walking before she turns one just like her sister was. Needless to say, she is keeping us on our toes!
I left her for 3 full days last weekend and I was so anxious to leave her for that long, but it ended up being such good bonding for her and my husband. He did great holding things down at home solo.
Anyways, here is a little update of how things are going and products we are loving right now.
6:30-7:00am: wake + 6-8 oz bottle (I usually don’t get her out of her crib till 7. She doesn’t typically cry when she wakes so I just let her play with I make coffee, get her bottle ready, etc.)
8:00am: quick breakfast and walk Quinn up to the bus stop
8:30-9:30am: play in the house until nap time
9:30-11:00am: nap #1
11:00am: play, walk, errands, etc. This is usually when I’ll try and get out of the house + 6-8 oz bottle
12:30pm: Lunch
2:00-3:30pm: nap #2
3:30-5:00pm: pick Quinn up from bus and play at home + 4 oz bottle
5:30pm: dinner
6:00pm: bath, PJs, book
6:30-7pm: 6 oz bottle + bed
Kinsley typically sleeps from 6:30/7pm-6:30/7am and takes a morning and an afternoon nap. I cap her naps at a total of 3 hours of day time sleep. I continue to feel so lucky that she is a pretty good little sleeper. She had a few nights of teething a few weeks ago and was up in the middle of the night. If she’s up I know something is wrong for sure because it’s not like her.
We are loving this sleep sack and have two of them so I can rotate when one gets dirty.
Right now she takes about 20-25 oz of milk a day. We are still using Bobbi formula and she is tolerating it well.
She eats 3 meals a day and sometimes a snack. I’m still getting Little Spoon deliveries and get the plates for her. I just cut them up into bite sized pieces and I also give Quinn some. Each plate is way more food than Kins eats in one sitting. At first I didn’t love the Little Spoon plates, but have found a few meals that work well for both girls and will heat up when I’m in a pinch and just need something quick. These came in handy while I was out of town and dad was on solo duty. I also just ordered the smoothies they offer, so I will let you know how those are.
Incase you missed it…here are Kinsley’s other updates: month 2, month 4, month 6, and month 8 .
Favorite Products:
xx, Alix