Today, I just need to ramble.. there’s no real topic I want to talk about but I have thoughts that I need to put to paper.. er, the computer. Just some life lately. Instagram is a highlight reel and you see only a glimpse of what’s going on in a person’s life so I thought I’d let you in just a little more. Open up. Probably super boring..but here it goes.
First up: birthday celebrations. I turned 32 on Saturday and I feel like I’ve been pregnant on my birthday for like 5 years in a row (slight exaggeration but this is a post about how I FEEL ;)) I don’t exactly have my party pants on these days.. I am tired about 23 hours a day. But I rallied and stayed up until 11 pm.. guys this is BIG NEWS ok?! Britt and I feel really lucky to have a close knit group of friends in the neighborhood in very similar stages of life as us. So we gathered up 14 of our close friends and headed to Barolo downtown.. one of our favorite spots in Seattle. We totally suck though.. not one group picture. Not one girl pic. Only this dumb selfie.
But how cute and bump friendly is this Free People top from the sale? Come on.. you know I gotta promote this stuff 😉 Anyways, I don’t want to complain because yes, I am SO lucky to be pregnant for a third time but let me just say this: I can’t wait to NEVER be pregnant on my birthday again! Mama wants WINE.
top | maternity jeans | purse | wedges
Next: The potty learning/training chronicles continue with this guy…
Jackson has been out of diapers during the day for a little over 6 months now and honestly, that was the easy part. Night time is different and I didn’t push it and just let him dictate. Every night before bed though, he’s recently been telling me that he, “doesn’t wear diapers anymore, MOM!” Ok. Noted. But you pee yourself if you don’t so put the damn diaper on. However, he seemed adamant that we ditch the diapers so guess what, FINE. I took the diaper off, limited liquid intake before bed and said my prayers. I guess I need to learn to trust him because he hasn’t had any accidents.. YET. I know they’re coming and I’ll hear the cries in the middle of the night but that’s to be expected. But hey, one less kid out of diapers before another one arrives.. I’ll take that as a pretty big win. One point: ME. Pat on the back for Jackson.
But now let’s talk this guy… ooooooofta:
Mmmmmk he is the cutest freaking kid ever but LOOOOOORD have mercy he’s HARD! I hate complaining about my kids because I love them SO damn much but BRO, I am struggling. There’s a reason I don’t really remember Jackson from the age of 1 to 2 because I think I had PTSD. Pretty sure it’ll be the same with this guy because as much as I love this little face, I am ready for him to be two (and one day I know I’ll say I can’t believe I ever wished away this time). I am ready for a little more independence. I am ready for communication because WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?! I am ready for him to walk.. he’s 18 months old and I have to carry him everrrrrrywhere + hello, I’m pregnant and can barely carry myself. I read this article about kids not walking by 18 months and it made me feel so much better about his milestones and strengths. He has them.. walking just isn’t one of them.. YET. We’re close.. but I am being patient and not stressing anymore… even though I reaaaaaally hope he hits this milestone by November when Parker comes. If not, I’ll be off in a corner crying with my newborn and toddler.. who will also be crying.. because I can’t carry them both lol.
And please don’t get me wrong, he has his oh so sweet moments and he really is a good kid but we’ve hit temper tantrums, hitting, teething for the 7th month in a row and just overall crankiness. And all I wanna do is slam a bottle glass of wine at the end of the day and I can’t even do that. Pregnancy + toddler + teething 18 month old is just a cruel, cruel joke. Ok enough… he’s so cute. Love him dearly. But pray for me.
Let’s lighten it up.. Seattle has been SO gorgeous the last few weeks. I mean.. Hi, I live here:
But am I crazy that I’m ready for fall? Ok I’m just gonna shut up cuz I need to enjoy this weather, this sun on my skin, this sunburn a little longer because before I know it… SNOW and a newborn. 3 kids.. 3 and under. Ok never mind.. LOOOOVING summer!
Lastly.. just quickly want to touch on my pregnancy journey and where we’re at with preparations. AKA NOT READY. When I found out we were having our third boy, I told Britt that I wanted to go “all out” for his nursery because I’ve never really done that before. Jackson’s room came together with a hand me down crib and old bedroom furniture (still really nice stuff don’t get me wrong). And with Cam, we didn’t know if he was a boy or girl so his room is gorgeous but very neutral toned and generic, I guess. So for Parker, I wanted to go all masculine.. dark greys, woods, etc. Something like this. Very moody if you know what I mean.. kinda like me. I digress.
Anyways, here we are.. 23 weeks pregnant.. and the kid has a couple clothes in a box but nothing more. I haven’t started his nursery. I haven’t even really started looking for furniture. I know he’ll be in our room, in a pack n play for at least 8 weeks before moving him to a crib so I don’t really feel the rush. Which is so different from the way I felt before. Cam and Jackson’s nurseries were done by this point. Poor P. We’ll get there..I know it. But I feel very little motivation these days. And very little inspiration. Kind of in a rut, guys. Pull me out!
I guess all that to say and come to the conclusion that I’m in a little bit of a life rut right now. Feeling a bit like every day is groundhog’s day.. same thing over and over and over again. And actually.. I don’t FEEL that way. It IS that way! I know I’m so not alone in this.. especially as a mom of a young family.. and I know it’s fleeting. This too shall pass.
Before long, the boys will be in school, sports, activities and I’ll wish for this time back. But I just had to write that down.. that I’m feeling some sort of way right now. So if you’re close to me and in my inner circle.. sorry if you’ve felt any negativity coming from my direction. It’s not directed at you.. I’m just IN it right now. Anxiety of a third baby, “rationalizing” with a 3 year old and trying to keep my 18 month old from hitting me, himself or his friends because he’s just MAD. I also just really want to enjoy a glass of wine with you and not feel the need to crawl into bed every night at 7:30 and go to sleep. I’ll be back soon 😉
Ok ramble over.. I’m going to continue to take the necessary steps to carve time out for myself, my family and friends. And not let the stresses of everyday life take over my thoughts. Time to make it a great week! And enjoy this cute face even though he tries to beat me up…
Thanks for stopping by and listening to this crazy lady pour it all out. xx
Ally Haderlein says
Girl I’m totally with you. It is so DAMN hard! We love our little men so much but it sure is exhausting! Keep it up mama, you’re doing a GREAT job 🙂
admin says
Thanks so much Ally!! Makes me feel better knowing other moms are right there with me 🙂 So freaking hard!
Tar says
Love you!!! You’re doing an incredible job and the boys are lucky to have you as their mommy! #nsaleismommytherapy #nowitalllllllmakessense #replaceswine #RHOS
admin says
hahah omg hashtags on poiiiiiint!!!!!
Eileen says
Hey! Wow, great post. Almost made me cry at my desk LOL! It’s one thing to have two kiddos under 4, but to have 2 and to be pregnant (exhausted, hormonal and SOBER), I can’t even imagine. You’re doing such an amazing job and you’re almost at the finish line with baby P! You’ll have wine in hand before you know it 🙂 Hang in there!
admin says
the sober part is the worst part 😉 lol!! thanks so much mama!! It takes a village!
meriem says
i just turned 32 too (hello cancer sista) and even though i still have one baby (16 months old) but the fact that my husband works in the us and i am in canada, makes me feel that i am a single mom with a toddler, who’s not speaking, not walking and struggling with molars (fever is my best friend lately). every week in my house is 4 months long.
i hope you feel better soon. sending love from my family to yours.
admin says
ahh birthday twin! thanks so much for the encouragement! Right back at ya! I feel your pain!! and you’re doing great job!
Anne says
You’re doing a great job mama. Hang in there and love your face😘😘
admin says
right back at you!! Love you!!
Tess says
Thanks for being REAL, mama! Sometimes it’s so hard to get the reality of things from people, especially those closest to you, so I appreciate this post very much as I’m sure the rest of your followers do. It’s never going to be all flowers and rainbows all the time (regardless of what people want the world to think) but it’s so inspiring to read things like this and know that while the struggle is real, the strength is realer! (Is that a word?) Anyways, thanks for documenting your thoughts! You amaze me as always Xx
admin says
You’re my favorite. Love you mins!