It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to a close and crisp, cooler weather is on the horizon (if we could just get rid of this smoke). While 2020 hasn’t been my favorite year ever, I never want to forget it either. It has taught me many lessons and forced me to slow down. It has shown me just how little I really need and as long as my family is healthy, we don’t need much. I spent every single day since March with my husband and kids and sending them back to school was actually heart-wrenching. We are getting into the swing of things now and life is starting to feel a little more normal than it did these last several months. I miss the boys when they’re at school but I’m able to give Parker some undivided attention and start to put my house together to make it feel like our forever home. Here is a photo dump of everything we’ve been up to lately:

Once I get the professional photos back, I will share more!
We came home to very unhealthy air quality from the fires and praying for rain. And while we can’t go outside, I’m hoping we can get back into a normal routine after the busiest summer of our lives.
xx, H