Today is Christmas and while Alix would normally share a Wellness Wednesday post, we figured that could wait 😉 Today, we just want to say thank you. To you, our loyal followers, who have shared in this journey with us for the past two years.
The Champagne Theory is a labor of love and something we are so passionate about.. we truly love sharing our lives with you and hope that the topics we cover resonate. We started this blog for fun, for purpose, for creativity and it has given us just that. It is still fun. It still gives us purpose. And it still allows us to be creative. So while we don’t have 10K followers and aren’t making a living off of it, we are fulfilling the sole purpose why we started in the first place. So thank you for continuing to make it fun and we hope you have a very Merry Everything from our families to yours!

Love, Heather & Alix