I feel like we are getting more and more settled into our new house and new zip code. The extra space and change of pace has been really good for our family. I wrote an update on Kinsley last week, but today I thought I’d share how it is going for me 😉
I’ve shared this before, but the second time around has been a completely different (and significantly better) experience for me. As Kinsley is getting older some things are easier (she is a good sleeper- thank god) while other things become more challenging and time consuming. She is busy and on the move, so I have to always be keeping a close eye on her. She also going thru more fussy periods when teething or just frustrated making it hard to get things done when she’s up. She is eating 3 meals a day which are MESSY! She’s currently into just throwing her food on the ground and watching Daisy eat it. I remember Quinn doing this and it drives me crazy! So I feel like a lot of my day is spent feeding the kids, cleaning up after the meal, repeat. That’s mom life I guess lol.
Quinn is doing awesome in Kindergarten and took the transition of a move and new school like a champ. I was very worried, but kids are so resilient. She’s learning so much and just blows my mind with what she’s learned this year. Things like getting dressed, brushing hair, washing hair, etc. can still be such a battle with her. She’s stubborn like mom and dad and hopefully it takes it far in life! I’ve started to have a lot less patience for her since having Kins and snap a lot quicker. I always feel guilty after, so I continue work on being more patient with her.
The age gap (5 years) between the girls has honestly been amazing. Quinn is at school all day, so I am able to give all my attention to Kinsley and do a lot with her like I was able to do when Quinn was a baby. Honestly, I need to be giving Quinn more 1:1 attention, so that is a goal moving forward now that Kinsley isn’t a newborn. Now that Kins is more mobile and interactive, her and Quinn can “play” and she is much more interesting to Quinn than when she was a newborn blob. It will be fun to watch them continue to grow and develop their relationship.
And then there is Daisy. I feel like she is my third (and naughtiest) child. Her bond with Kinsley is just the best…they are serious buds and she is always hanging out with us. But cleaning up after her, walking her, and managing her puppy energy is a lot on top of it all.
Anyways, I have days like I’ve had this week where I feel frustrated and overwhelmed trying to manage it all. Anxiety still sneaks up on me, esp. when Kinsley is being fussy/not eating well/up teething, etc. I get that old feeling of dread and worry. I also often feel like it’s groundhogs day every morning, but I’m also a creature of habit and enjoy the routine. I’ve been starting to think about trying to go back to work 1-2 days a week to be able to put my RD to use and get a little more balance in my week. We will see!
Pediatrician Q&A
- Should I be concerned about what I put on my skin (sunscreen, lotions, serums) if my baby may potentially rub her skin on it or get it in her mouth?
I think it’s always a good idea to be thoughtful about what we put on our skin. Fun fact- the skin is the body’s largest organ! Our body can absorb a small amount of what we put on our skin into our bloodstream. If a small amount of something that is safe for our skin gets in our mouth or our baby’s mouth it is unlikely to cause harm. Interesting tid bit…the skin products in our 0-2 months and 4-6 months box RESTORE Healing Balm by Dr Rogers are all natural and 100% safe to eat! - After baby is born when is it safe for family and friends to visit?
This varies based on parents’ comfort level and the time of year and the visitor’s vaccine status. I always recommend adults who are caretakers or frequent visitors of a newborn or infant have an updated TdaP vaccine, flu shot when appropriate seasonally, and of course now are vaccinated against Covid. The greatest concern for dangerous infections is in the first 60 days of life for a newborn. It is important to be careful but you do not need to be isolated from friends and family. I suggest just one or two visitors at a time and always have them wash their hands before holding or touching your baby. And of course if a visitor is demonstrating illness symptoms ask them to come back another time. - What age do kids really need to start going to the dentist?
I recommend a dental visit at age one if there are teeth present. - Should my toddler take vitamins? If so, which ones?
I do not recommend vitamins for toddlers unless there is a specific medical need such as iron deficiency anemia. - When should baby be eating 3 meals a day? When should they be also offered snacks?
By 12-15 months most toddlers are eating 3 solid meals a day. If your child is hungry before the official “next meal” then offer them a snack. - My 2 month old will only nap when being held. Wakes up when placed down. Sleeps fine at night though. Any tips to help with naps?
Normal and very common, but can be stressful. I recommend continuing to focus on sleeping through the nights and naps will come. You can check out more on this in my blog https://www.babydocbox.com/blogs/news/sleep-sense.
You can continue to try and put your baby down for 1-2 naps a day but if they do their best naps in your arms it’s ok to enjoy this time, knowing it won’t last forever. Usually naps become more routine and independent after 4 months and before 6 months. A couple great sleep resources I love: @babysleepdr, takingcarababies.
BabyDocBox Month 10-12 Review
I can’t believe this is our last box! These boxes are curated with top products and easy to understand education to help you navigate the first 12 months with your new babe. These boxes are perfect to gift to a new mom or ask for on your own registry. Here is what came in our last box.

EZPZ Mini Mat I used these mat with Quinn and loved them! Glad to have a new one for Kins. They suction to most tables. Dishwasher and microwave safe-yes!
Plan Toys Farm Animals come with a cow, horse, pig, and sheep. These toys are environmentally friendly and made with sustainable materials made without any sharp edges. Perfect fit for baby’s little hands.
Heir+Loom Kids Block and Circle Puzzle These blocks are so beautiful and made from cherry wood and fit perfect in baby’s hand. The single-shape circle puzzle is ideal for children that have mastered the pincer grasp. Great for fine motor skill development.
Indestructibles Book We love these books! I have them in the diaper bag, car, playroom, and her room. Kins loves to look at the bright pictures of the babies. They make the perfect travel books because they are so thin and easy to pack and well as indestructible 😉
Patcholoy Lip Service Gloss-to-Balm There is always a little gift for mama in each box. This lip gloss is so pretty on!
Thanks for following along with our BabyDocBox journey and hope you’ve learned about great new products and resources for baby’s first year as well as had some question answered by the wonderful pediatrician behind the boxes.
xx, A