Back in the days my friends and I would get together and make vision boards for the new year. We would all bring our favorite magazines, cut out pictures and quotes we felt motivated by, and create vision boards that we kept somewhere we saw daily. I haven’t made one in years, but was inspired this year to make a digital one.
I like a vision board because give you a clear direction for where you want to go in serval areas of you life. It’s allows you to visualize the goals you want to achieve and it’s a constant reminder of what you want.
Here what my vision represents for me starting from the top left picture:
“Enjoy the little things” our life is really simple right now with young kids. I find myself taking the beauty of the life we’ve create for granted. We have beautiful healthy children, a house in an area we love, a cute pup, and things are good. I want to remind myself to stop wishing away these somewhat groundhog like days and enjoy the now.
Strength training I want to continue to push myself to lift heavy weight and get stronger. I feel stronger than ever since focusing more on strength training (over cardio) the past 6 months or so. My goal is to strength train 3-4 x week and always challenging myself by grabbing the heavier weights.
Nutrition is obviously something I’m passionate about being a dietitian and all, but this picture represents taking time to put together balanced and healthy meals for myself. So often I am busy with the kids and don’t take the time to make myself what I really want/need. Making family meals is always a priority that I hope can happen more often as well. Lastly, continuing to try new recipes and have fun in the kitchen is something I always enjoy and find calming (when I don’t have a toddler destroying my kitchen and wanting to be held).
Sauna My husband and I are very into the sauna right now. He even got us matching sauna robes since we have to trek it to the sauna in our yard. This is our second sauna from Redwood Outdoors and we love it. (We left our last one at our old house). There are SO many health benefits to sauna and it also just feels so good during the cold winter months. I love to go in after a workout or before bed. I want to continue this practice next year with the goal of going in the sauna 3-4 x week.
Reading I love to read and listen to books on Audible. I’m usually reading one book on my Kindle while also listening to another on Audible at the same time, so I get through books a bit faster. I started tracking my books on Goodreads this year and saw that you can set a goal to read a certain amount of books a year. My goal is to finish 30 books in 2023.
Pickleball is super trendy right now, but for good reason. It’s seriously so much fun to play and easy to learn. I started playing with a group of women on Fridays and want to continue that next year and try adding another day on the weekends with my husband. It’s hard with childcare right now, but I’d love to be playing 2 x week so I can continue to get better. It’s something different from my usual workouts, social, and I always have a smile on my face after playing.
”If you’re not willing to work for it, don’t complain about not having it” I love this quote. I grew up playing very competitive soccer and it’s always been ingrained in me to work hard for the things I want. I never settled for being average on the soccer field and luckily that’s translated into my adult life. I continue to push myself physically for the things I want to achieve. I think it’s a good reminder to have on my vision board that nothing is handed to you. It takes work, consistency, and grit 😉
Ask the Dietitian In 2023 I would love to start up my private practice again on some level. I’m not sure how this will look just yet, but I’m working on putting out some feelers and developing a plan to get back into the nutrition game. I miss working with clients and helping them achieve their nutrition goals, so I’m throwing that goal on my vision board for the new year.
Lastly, I’m visualizing Hawaii to get me through the Washington winter right now. We have a family trip planned for the end of February and looking at this picture gives me something to look forward to.
Cheers to a happy and healthy 2023!
xx, A